What is the best recipe for unity? Striving for a common goal is what we see here. They were like-minded, all wanting to spread the Good News. God rewarded their behavior, and their needs were supplied. They had plenty and were able to share with those less fortunate. Doesn’t that sound like a good community of believers?
So why do we see so much division and bickering in churches today? It can be really distracting to our mission. It’s no surprise when God doesn’t reward this kind of behavior. It’s sad really. If people could just embrace the simple system the apostles had going and be more focused on a relationship with God and making sure everyone knows about the saving grace that is available.
Unity is also important in businesses, families, and really any groups where people are building relationships. One bad apple, so to speak, can really put a damper on the harmony and success of such a group. So how do we all get on the same page? How do we fix a broken relationship where unity no longer exists? Great questions! Not sure I have the answer – but prayer and counsel from a trusted adviser is a good place to start.
We hear of one particular apostle, Joseph, nick-named Barnabas. This means “Son of Encouragement.” By the nick-name, I’m guessing Joseph was a cheerleader and encourager. We know this is a gift of the Holy Spirit, for not everyone has that kind of personality. Barnabas would be the kind of person who could keep a group in check, keeping unity alive.
In one congregation we were part of, I recall a “Barnabas Ministry” which was simply one that encouraged folks. It usually went hand and hand with visitation for the sick, elderly, etc., but it also had a youth focus. Kids these days face a lot of pressures we didn’t a generation or two ago. The idea was to have a safe place (group) where kids could gather to share their “stuff” and be encouraged. It was a cool ministry, based on this text, that should be utilized more and more these days.
Are you a Barnabas or in need of a Barnabas in your life?
Let’s pray. Lord, I see so many places where unity is absent. People’s hearts and minds are not focused on the same goal or intention. Lord, I pray that you send a Barnabas to those situations. I thank you that you have given me the gift of encouragement. Sometimes this gets me into a little trouble when I lose focus on my own agenda while I’m so busy helping others. I love how you use me and each day look forward to a new opportunity. Thank you for the blessings you give. In Jesus’ name. Amen.