Absolutely riveted. You will recall from our passage yesterday – we’d been left with a bit of a cliffhanger. You may also recall that just moments before our reading today, these people were out to kill Paul. They became silent when a battered Paul stood up and addressed them in their own language. It was one of those pin-drop moments.
I enjoyed hearing Paul’s speech to them playing in my mind. You can imagine this is a story Paul would have told over and over again. Especially to Jews who would be able to relate to many parts of his story. It is the story that defines Paul and his transformation. We all have a story like Paul. Maybe not as dramatic at times, but our stories matter, too.
First of all, our stories are just that, they are ours. Secondly, God is involved in our story (hopefully), so they are God stories, too. My story will speak to some people, and yours will speak to some people. Those don’t need to be the same people. And, chances are they are not the same people. They are the “right” people that need to hear “our” story.
All the time we should be ready with our story. We shouldn’t wait for that golden moment. There will be lots of openings along the way, we just need to be mindful of them. I often marvel at how many opportunities to share my story I’ve let go by because I didn’t see clearly enough. I was too busy, too involved, working too hard, whatever. Fill in the blank what “it” is for you.
Paul was all in for God. Are we?
Take a moment just to think through your own story. If you don’t know what that is because you’ve been a Christian all your life…well, that’s your story. How do you think that defines you and makes you a better human being? What’s it like to have known Jesus your whole life? That’s a cool story most people will be intrigued by.
We all know people (maybe you’re one of them) who have had a fall over, crazy memorable time of conversion. Kind of like Paul. You have to admit Paul’s story isn’t a common one! But people love “before and afters.” That is your story.
Whatever our story, I’m feeling a little empowered to tell mine more. I know I’ve helped women before (hopefully guys, too). How about you? Are you ready to let God use your story to help someone find God? Pray about it. God will reveal those who are ready to hear your story. He will open up those opportunities. You just have to be ready and watching.
Let’s pray. Father, I am so in awe of you and your greatness. You have so many “balls up in the air” I can’t even imagine. Thanks for giving me what I need to get through each day. Right now it’s wisdom in making decisions and seeing solutions. I can boldly put my trust in you to bring me to the situations and individuals who are ready to hear my story. Thank you for the boldness to want to open my mouth. Guide the words that come out. I want to reflect you brilliantly. In Jesus’ name. Amen.