Act 3:1-26 – Seize the Moment

Read Acts 3:1-26

Never let an opportunity to share about Jesus go by. Sometimes we get so caught up in our busyness that we fail to see these God moments right before us. Peter and John had a great opportunity to witness in today’s reading. Instead of giving the man what he was asking for, they gave him a gift he didn’t even dare ask for. Healing.

Peter used his gift, the gift of healing, to glorify God in this moment. The man was amazed and praised God for his healing. The whole crowd of people in the area would have witnessed this and seen a marvelous miracle. A man they had known to be a crippled beggar was now leaping with the joy of the Lord. Because of Jesus.

Peter couldn’t let this moment go by. He made a teachable moment out of it for those standing by. He knew they would not be able to keep quiet about such a thing, so he wanted to make sure God got the credit and the name of Jesus was proclaimed. He seized the moment.

How often do we let moments such as this go by? What holds us back from proclaiming the mighty works of God in our midst?

Peter calls out the leaders for what they did to Jesus, but he gives them an out. They were ignorant. They had to be for God’s perfect plan to play out as it was foretold. Peter spoke of the prophets of old, sharing wisdom that would be familiar to these people. As children of these prophets, they have an inheritance of blessing. Peter doesn’t want them to be ignorant any longer to how great this really is.

Now repent of your sins and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped away. Then times of refreshment will come from the presence of the Lord, and he will again send you Jesus, your appointed Messiah.” In these days, we wait for the return of our Lord. We are given the same authority to seize the moment and share about our relationship with Jesus. 

We are refreshed in his presence each time we spend time. Are you spending enough time with your Savior? Are you feeling refreshed and vibrant, ready to seize the moment?

Let’s pray. Lord, there are times when I am not feeling especially perky. I am bogged down with the struggles of life. Our bodies begin to crumble, and we are often pulled into action from many sources and directions. Help me to always turn to you for the refreshment I need. I ask for your forgiveness for my wayward heart, for my judgmental attitudes, and for questioning what you have in store for me. May I trust you and lean on you more this day as I watch for each opportunity to seize the moment and use my gifts for you. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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