Job 19:1-29 – Patience

Read Job 19:1-29

Job has such patience. He is putting up with his very annoying friends, and he is waiting on a very silent God. I’m not sure I could have endured all of this. It’s Job’s turn to speak again. He doesn’t walk away from the attacks but tries to counter once again.

Job feels abandoned. In this speech he calls out relatives, his wife, his friends, his close friends, servants, and young children. He is sitting among three of those “friends,” and from what we’ve seen so far, they have indeed turned against him. Interesting that the three we’ve seen attacking Job are not considered his “close” friends. The sacrifice of time they have made to spend time with Joel is commendable at least. It’s hard to believe Job’s closest friends have long since forgotten him. That is, according to Job’s account of their whereabouts. Continue reading “Job 19:1-29 – Patience”

Job 18:1-21 – Fate of the Wicked

Read Job 18:1-21

Watch out Bildad! Who are you calling wicked here? It sounds like Bildad is pointing fingers at poor Job. Bildad doesn’t get it. Despite Job’s attempts to clear his name over and over again, Bildad must believe Job is guilty of something awful. Friends, of all people, should understand and trust Job’s integrity. They must not know him very well or God just knows Job that much better.

Where does Bildad come up with all these observations about what happens to wicked people? Are wicked people being struck down in his time? Knowing how the Israelites displeased God with their wicked ways, Bible accounts would indicate many of the vilest were probably the wealthiest and most powerful. In our day, there are plenty of wicked people in the news and in our neighborhoods. Why is it we don’t see any of this doom raining down on them? Continue reading “Job 18:1-21 – Fate of the Wicked”

Job 17:1-22 – Defensive Yet Hopeful

Read Job 17:1-16

Sadly, we often judge people by their appearance. Job must have looked dreadful. His body has wasted away, he must have almost been unrecognizable. Do you think his friends’ responses were in any way affected by the way Job looked?

Job described himself a bit in this passage. What do we know about Job’s appearance? His eyes were swollen from weeping, and he had lost a lot of weight. Job believed he was being scoffed by the virtuous and righteous, probably some of those friends he used to have. Rejection. Job’s friends had rejected him. Don’t we tend to get defensive when we feel abandoned and rejected? Job was feeling such pressure. Continue reading “Job 17:1-22 – Defensive Yet Hopeful”

Job 16:1-22 – Encouraging Words

Read Job 16:1-22

In case you’re counting, this is Job’s fifth speech. Job is hurting, and he finally tells his friends their words aren’t helping. Job even tells them what it would look like if the tables were turned and they were the ones suffering. Job would be an encourager.

Those are good words for us to hear as caregivers in our day. We may rush to a loved one’s side offering all sorts of “help.” Sometimes, we’re in “fix” mode and words of wisdom come spewing from our mouths, just like Job’s friends did. The problem is “our” perspective isn’t always helpful. What will help most to alleviate the pain is encouragement. Continue reading “Job 16:1-22 – Encouraging Words”

Job 15:17-35 – Who is Wicked?

Read Job 15:17-35

Eliphaz continues his response and seems very focused on what is wicked, or who is wicked. This speech is obsessed with those people who are far away from God. I wonder if Eliphaz thought that’s where Job had drifted. Job had to be far from God to explain everything. People still today blame God for their circumstances.

From the description, nobody in their right mind would want to be wicked, missing out on all the benefits of God. But as I read the “type,” I realized I know a lot of people that would fall into the “wicked” category according to Eliphaz. Did you picture a few in your mind, too? Continue reading “Job 15:17-35 – Who is Wicked?”


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