Numbers 3:1-13 – Calling the Levites

words "The Person GOD Uses" set against a sunset and silhouette of a person

Read Numbers 3:1-13

This reading was helpful for me. It connected some dots about the origins of the relationship between Levites and the priests. I love the collaboration and bond that grew out of God’s desired leadership for his people. Of course, God knew that Aaron would need help.

Moses and Aaron were clearly favored individuals in God’s eyes. They were given such important jobs in helping the people along on their faith and life journey. Faith was always meant to be part of our lives. Out of that faith comes our devotion. Today we look to church leadership, online pastors, and Bible teachers to help us understand God and introduce the importance of being in a right relationship with God.

God was so intentional in setting Aaron and his sons up for success as priests. We learn a little family history here to realize that the priestly line started with only three men. As a means of great support, the whole tribe of Levi was assigned by God to help Aaron’s family as their “assistants.” It makes sense it was the tribe of Levi, because that was Aaron’s tribe of origin. It takes a village indeed!

Beyond the “how” it all happened, we see the “what,” a great sacrifice the Levites were called to make. Their freedom in this world would be given up by serving God in this capacity. While they were not slaves, the Levites were bound to God’s requirement that they take the place of all the first-born sons in addition to their duties to help the priests.

Because it’s not common in our culture today, it may be hard to wrap our heads around the relevance of first-born sons being ransomed. But back then, people remembered how God had spared their first-born sons. Such remembrance would become part of the festival celebrated as Passover. God’s rescue would have surely been fresh in their minds.

The Levites act of service in the years to follow would be the ransom for those first-born children who were now still alive. This was an interesting piece of the Levite’s history and purpose that I had forgotten. These Levites belonged to God.

We belong to God, too. Romans 14:8 says, “If we live, it’s to honor the Lord. And if we die, it’s to honor the Lord. So whether we live or die, we belong to the Lord.” 1 John 4:4 says, “But you belong to God, my dear children. You have already won a victory over those people, because the Spirit who lives in you is greater than the spirit who lives in the world.”

We may not be of the line of Levi, but we belong to God and have been given a job to do. May these New Testament verses bring you comfort, assurance, and even the confidence you need to go forth boldly as one who belongs to God. How are you honoring the Lord?

colorful animation of prayer hands and hearts and flowersLet’s pray. Father God, I know we are never too old or too young to be used by you. I am thrilled to be your child, so eager to know you more. May I be brave, and may my faith be transparent for the world to see. Show me, Lord, those places you want me to serve you. Use me to help others in whatever way is best. Thank you for each opportunity you will open to me. In your holy name, Amen.

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