Mark 12:41-44 – All She Had

woman holding a heart shaped snowball

Read Mark 12:41-44

Have you ever thought about what the widow was thinking as she deposited her last two coins into the offering that day? Clearly, she had to know this was it. There was nothing more at home in a jar hidden away. Jesus knew. Her devotion was palpable. Had it been difficult for her to part with these coins?

I don’t think any of us have ever been to that point of desperation. If we had two coins left, would we have given them to God or would we have saved them for our next meal? It’s hard to imagine having that little, isn’t it?

Whether we can relate or not, we can learn from this woman. Her level of trust was so great. If she was worried about how she would survive, the worry didn’t stop her from giving all she had. If we could only be so faithful!

I don’t think Jesus made an example of this woman to make us feel bad. We could easily feel guilty for holding so tightly to our riches. Rather, remember “whose” riches we are grasping. Everything belongs to God after all. Deuteronomy 10:14 says, “Look, the highest heavens and the earth and everything in it all belong to the Lord your God.”  We have simply been given the honor to be good stewards with what God has entrusted to our care.

For the widow that day, she believed her best act of stewardship was to give it all back to God. We don’t know what happened after she left the temple that day. For her faithfulness, did God shower her with plenty or at least what she needed to survive? Maybe that would be in the form of a handout from a friend or neighbor. Maybe she was going to work where she would receive wages. All we know is that for that moment in the temple, she gave God everything she had.

I’m sure the disciples were a bit shocked by what Jesus said. They had to see all the great sums of money being deposited by those with great wealth. As Jesus pointed out, they were only giving what they didn’t need. Many people have that same practice today and give the church what they have left after all needs and wants are satisfied.

Our giving should be an act of worship. It is our response to God, our thanks to him for what he has done in our lives. Keeping in mind that everything belongs to God makes it a lot easier to part with that hard earned cash.

Think about your own giving practices. Are you more like the rich people in this story or the widow? Do you feel God speaking to your heart to make some adjustments to your practice? How will the widow’s actions influence you and your giving?

colorful animation of prayer hands and hearts and flowers

Let’s pray. Lord, it is my desire to give my all to you. It is such a joy to give back to you what is yours. Help me to be a better steward of the treasures you have provided me. Thank you for the joy that flows over me when I give to you and to the work of your missions on earth. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

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