Psalm 118 – His Love Endures Forever

Read Psalm 118

His faithful love endures forever. Forever is a long time. We can surely put our trust in Him. His love will never fade away, change with the season, move on or be unreliable in any way. So many things in life are temporary. We can enjoy each moment knowing it was only a pinpoint in time.

But God’s love lasts forever and is unchanging. Day after day, our life goes on. How many times do we stop to think about the immensity of time and how our days, numbered as they are, are but a flash in time?

We may be facing some difficult decisions in our lives. Do we forge ahead without giving a thought to what God would choose for us? Verse 5 says, In my distress I prayed to the Lord, and the Lord answered me and set me free. Doesn’t that sound reassuring? To be set free. When uncertainty hovers, remember God will set you free.

Lots of gems here today. What do you think about verse 14? The Lord is my strength and my song; he has given me victory.” I love that assurance, don’t you? So much emphasis is put on winning and being #1 in our world. This promise is quite something. We can all be victorious when we rely on God’s strength. With God we can overcome anything. In the end, we have an eternal home with God because of Jesus’ victory!

What other verses resonate with you today?

Another favorite of mine is verse 22. You may recall this was quoted by Jesus as a reference to himself. “The stone that the builders rejected has now become the cornerstone.” Jesus, of course, is the foundation for our lives. He has given us the “blueprint”. We live to be more like him. This, Jesus as cornerstone, upon which all else is built, is God’s doing.

Finally, verse 24 should be the song on our lips every single day. This is the day the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it.” We have heard this before, and now you know where it comes from–Psalm 118:24.

Every day has been made by God and given to us as a gift. It doesn’t say, “maybe” we should rejoice, or we “can” rejoice, or even we “shall” rejoice”. No, it says we WILL rejoice. Despite sadness, strife or struggle, we WILL rejoice and be glad We will thank God for each new day. Staring a day with thanksgiving on our hearts can make a HUGE difference in how the rest of our day plays out.

Let’s pray. Lord, sometimes it’s hard to rejoice when we face trouble. Help me in those times of darkness to see your light shining. Work in me to trust you fully and completely, relying on your strength and not my own. Thank you for surrounding me with loving friends and family. May I, in return, be loving and supportive. Use me to show others how to love you as you deserve and rejoice in you. Guide me today. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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