Psalm 76 – Mighty God

Read Psalm 76

Do you ever struggle with a Bible reading?  What do you do? Do you pick another and start over? Or maybe you start reading the same verses in different translations to see if a different translation will finally speak to you. I’m going to admit the latter for today’s reading, and you might notice if you click through to the reading link above that I didn’t go with my standard, New Living Translation. Instead, I chose a paraphrase, The Message. I don’t know about you, but I love because it allows me that privilege of reading the same texts in all different translations at the click of a button.  (No, this is not a PSA (public service announcement) or paid endorsement!)

This is really an upbeat psalm. True worship, giving glory and honor to God for his greatness. Some of the images may be a little scary, depicting a bit of a scary God. But certainly a powerful God, one who deserves our utmost respect. What did you think about the word pictures? My favorite in this version is “earth falls to her knees and holds her breath.” That is truly waiting on God in a posture of expectation.

So how are things going in your life this week? Smooth sailing? Rocky road? Frantic? Peaceful? It’s easy to have a heart of worship when all is going well or when we are surrounded by others on Sunday morning. This psalm can remind us that praise is at all times to a God that totally deserves it. This psalm isn’t a rant or a gush, it simply is a statement that God is mighty, that he is in control, and we shouldn’t avoid a relationship with him.

Let’s pray. Lord, in your mightiness, wash over each one of us as we come before you. For those in a place of frustration or stress, make a way for them to find resolution and renewed trust in you. For those questioning their relationship with you, clear their hearts and minds to accept you fully. For those in pain or suffering, ease their burden so you joy can shine through. For those with a happy heart, help them not lose sight of their need for you. May we bow before your throne and rejoice that you are our God. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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