Psalm 47 – Awesome God

Read Psalm 47

I hope you’re sitting down because this psalm will knock you off your feet with all the praise going on! Verse 2, “for the Lord Most High is awesome” – that’s why we praise.  The word “awesome” is in my vocabulary, and I use it often, but to describe God as awesome feels a little awkward.  I think I (and others) have devalued the word awesome.  For example, I looked in some other translations to see what I’d find, and in place of awesome I found “terrible”, “fearsome”, “to be feared”.  That certainly puts the reference of awesome to a different level.

So how do you describe God?  We can never fully comprehend his “awesomeness”. I look forward to the day when more understanding will be mine  Yet, I don’t want to rush that time.  This passage tries to describe God and all that makes him awesome.  But the big focus is on praise.  I think that is a weakness in  our society — we don’t praise God enough. What does it mean to truly praise God?  Does it look different from person to person?

The first verse invites everyone to come clap their hands and shout to God.  Is that how you praise? Is that what praise should look like?  Have you been involved in a church where clapping and shouting were common?  I didn’t see a lot of that going on until moving to Mexico.  There’s a lot of praising going on here!

But praise shouldn’t just be on Sunday morning, or in the fellowship of other believers, should it? Shouldn’t our lives be lived in praise to our awesome God?  I think I can do a better job of praising God and having enthusiasm for his greatness.  I can’t let circumstances squelch my cheerleader mentality when it comes to my God, my Savior, my Protector. Can you do a better job at praising God in your life?

Let’s pray.  Forgive me, Lord, for taking the quiet side of things, for letting fear of rejection  or persecution squelch my joy and reverence to you. You are mighty and loving and indescribable in power and strength.  You are so worthy to be praised! Thank you for the smile on my face at the thought of you.  Thank you  for the  peace that flows over me when I rest in you.  Help me set aside all my “stuff” and praise and trust You!  In Jesus’ name.  Amen.

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