John 8:21-30 – Who is He?

Read John 8:21-30

Jesus could have been a little clearer. It wasn’t like he was speaking in riddles, but he just as well could have been. The people were confused. Nobody had talked like this before. It was all just so much to take in. Have you ever felt overwhelmed? It’s a common occurrence for folks who have a lot going on that they need to keep straight. That feeling of being a bit out of control is exactly what these folks were experiencing. This concept was just too big for them.

When we are in that place of overwhelm, it’s often hard to focus on anything. We feel like we are going nowhere fast. When we look back at what we’ve accomplished for a given day, we often feel defeated because the items checked off on our to-do list seem to pale in comparison to those remaining to be done. We want to avoid being knee jerk Christians, that is like having faith on auto-pilot, just going through the motions.

So when the people are hearing Jesus’ words, their heads are filled with their own notions of what they believe and who they think Jesus is. They tend to fixate on one thing and not look at the big picture. Jesus was explaining the big picture. But he was explaining it in simple terms. Believe in me or die in your sins. I don’t know how much simpler it could get. Maybe it’s too simple, they (and us) have to make a big deal and try to understand the details.

Details like…where was Jesus going, and who is Jesus really?

You must admit to truly wrap your head around the truth that Jesus is God’s son does take some doing. When you believe in God and his power, to imagine he would give that up and come to earth as one of us can be almost fanciful. What kind of creator does that? How does it happen? Why does it happen? So many questions that again distract from what is. Jesus is God’s son. He came to save the lost. Those who believe in him will live with him forever. Period.

What do you believe? Are you like the people of that day just watching and trying to understand? Or, are you all in for Jesus, walking with him, trusting him for your next breath? Most of us are somewhere in between on our journey of faith. God is drawing us to him, and while the connection is immediate, the path to fully connect can take a lifetime.

Jesus gives us one more nugget in today’s reading. Did you catch it? It’s another way we can imitate Jesus. After all, isn’t that what we strive for, to be more Christ-like in our behavior? He says, And the one who sent me is with me—he has not deserted me. For I always do what pleases him.” We are not deserted either. How are we to respond? Do what pleases God.

Take time today to reflect on whether or not your behavior is pleasing God. Can you do better?

Let’s pray. Father, forgive me when I act out of jealousy or greed. Forgive me when I am not as loving as I could be toward my neighbor. Help me to be more Christ-like and forgiving to others and not judgmental if they are different from me. Wash me clean again from the sin that holds me in bondage. May I feel your peace again. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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