These battles with the Philistines are likely to have happened at various times during David’s reign. Where they fall in the scheme of things doesn’t seem to be important. What then does killing giants have to do with the story?
This collection of stories is known by scholars to be a “list” of importance. Each account identifies itself as “another battle.” The common theme is the destruction of a descendent of the giants. It’s like they did a big sort of the stories and gathered these four into one group.
Only one calls into question the safety of the king. That would suggest to me to be a story later in David’s life. These snapshots of battle results could have happened at any time, but they are collected here in one list. This list is included in the pattern we’re seeing for the final chapters of 2 Samuel.
I’m always fascinated by patterns in Scripture. So, we’ll watch how the upcoming passages all fit together. It’s almost as if these stories didn’t come to light until after the rest of 2 Samuel’s account of events surrounding the life of King David. But, they were collected and deemed as too important to be left out.
For purposes of our reflection, let’s think about battling giants – our giants. In other words, what seems unsurmountable in your life right now? Do you have a situation that is out of control, sucking all of your attention? I know what comes to mind immediately for me. Take some time to figure out who or what your giant might be.
What is holding you back? Why are you questioning things? Are you waiting for something? Are you feeling fear, dread, anger, sadness, jealousy, powerlessness? What have you tried to overcome the giants up to now?
God was with David and his warriors. They were able to defeat these giants with God’s help. We can call upon the same power. Jesus promised it would be at our disposal. In John 14:8, Jesus speaks of the Holy Spirit and says, “No, I will not abandon you as orphans—I will come to you.”
I also like how after praising Timothy for his faithfulness, Paul says to him in 2 Timothy 1:6-7, “This is why I remind you to fan into flames the spiritual gift God gave you when I laid my hands on you. For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline.” We have been given that same spiritual gift. How are we using it to fight our battles?
Let’s take time today to fan the flame of the power inside us. Direct that energy toward the giants you have identified. Watch how God is going to help you defeat them.

Let’s pray …
Lord, I thank you in advance for how you will reveal yourself amid my battles. As uncertainty runs rampant around me, Lord, give me peace. Calm me so my spirit can be ignited with your power to fight my giants. I am being still. I am waiting. In Jesus’ name. Amen.