Another encounter along the exodus from Jerusalem. We don’t gather a lot from the slice of the conversation we’re made privy to. Sometimes less is more. In this case, Ziba benefitted from David’s assumptions and handling of the situation. Was Ziba sent from Saul’s grandson or was Ziba just buttering up the king?
What other times can you think of when less is more. For the introvert, it is preferred when less words are spoken. Sometimes I have too many words to share, and my introvert husband will end up looking at me like a deer staring into headlights. Certainly, spending less money for an item is also preferred. “You can buy more items,” I always say!
Would David have any reason to mistrust Ziba? What must David be thinking about all these gifts. Did Mephibosheth wonder where his servant, Ziba had gone? It can’t be a chance meeting that Ziba finds the king as he is leaving Jerusalem.
David continues to be calculated when having these encounters along the way. Ziba could very well have been on Absalom’s side in Jerusalem like everyone else appeared to be. The kingship of Absalom would have started in Hebron, just like his father, King David’s had those years ago.
Instead, Ziba gives David another message. It shouldn’t come as much of a surprise that Mephibosheth would have said, “Today I will get back the kingdom of my grandfather Saul.”
King David had done what he had promised Mephibosheth’s father, his dear, beloved friend, Jonathan. He had protected and provided for Mephibosheth once he knew that the boy lived. Was Mephibosheth now in a position to be paying back some sort of tribute? Not likely since he was trying to take the kingship away from David.
David’s response to this situation was quite something. Having given to Mephibosheth, he as able to take away just the same. It seems a decree was made that day when David said to Ziba, “I give you everything Mephibosheth owns.”
Talk about less is more. Ziba came into this with an offering of a few donkeys, some food and wine, and walks away with everything his master, Mephibosheth owns! David didn’t do a background check or anything, he simply used his royal right to reassign this property.
The one thing I can think of where “more is better,” is spending quality time with God in prayer and reflection. I want more and more time in the presence of my Lord (Father, Savior & Spirit), not less. I want to be filled more with the spirit’s power to do good work in this world.
Take some extra time today to sit quiet. Let your mind relax so that your ears can hear. How is God speaking to you today?
![praying hands looking up](https://be-still.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/prayer.png)
Let’s pray …
Lord, I love spending time with you and hunger for more each day. How did I ever survive so many years apart from you? Thank you for how you fill me and move me each day into action. Give me the energy I need to do your work in this world. In Jesus’ name. Amen.