Read 2 Peter 1:1-4
You’ll soon realize that 2 Peter is much different from 1 Peter in language, style, setting, and even theological development. Take in Peter’s final testament of his firsthand witness from Jesus himself and being in Jesus’ inner circle. As you read, remember Peter saw the transfigured Jesus, watched Jesus ascend, and spent all the moments in between being shown what truth in human form was all about.
Having faith in that truth, in Jesus, is what our life focus should be all about. The text says, “This faith was given to you.” What went through your mind when you read these words? At first, I wondered why I was special, why I had been chosen by God to receive faith. Then, I simply marveled at the gift my faith is in my life. The bond of faith is what Peter shared with his audience, too.
Is your faith even more precious with the reminder that it is a gift from God? God’s blessings don’t end with faith. He knows we’re sinful beings who need our Savior. Peter prays, “May God give you more and more grace and peace as you grow in your knowledge of God and Jesus our Lord.” I’m seeing God answer that prayer time and again as I spend more and more time in his word. It’s like the more I learn and seek to draw closer to Jesus, the more peace and grace that starts to flow.
Some people think it’s hard to live a godly life. How can it be hard when we’ve been given exactly what we need? Personally, I think it would be much harder to live life without God. Sure, you wouldn’t know what you’re missing, but not having hope to cling to in times of trial would be hard to imagine.
That last line about escaping the world’s corruption really hit home for me. As a grandparent, it’s alarming to see what’s happening in the United States’ public school system. It’s brilliant, really, to fill the minds of the most vulnerable with values contrary to God’s ways if that’s the direction of the current “agenda.” How many decades have parents blindly let their children be taught things that have molded them into less tolerant, unkind humans driven by selfish desire?
Think of selfish human desire as one of Satan’s favorite tools. It’s like the kindling to start a roaring flame of corruption and sinfulness. It’s something for us to be aware of so we can seek to control those urges and be more like Jesus.
“These are the promises that enable you to share his divine nature.” What does “divine nature” mean? And how cool is it that we get to share in it! God’s promise to us is to help transform us to be more Christlike in our behavior. He sealed that for us when he sent the Holy Spirit. To be effective servants in his kingdom, we need to take on more of Christ’s characteristics. It’s impossible for us humans without the Holy Spirit’s help. What does it mean to you to “look like Jesus”?
What sort of practices do you have for growing in the faith you’ve been given? Reread the passage a time or two and let the Holy Spirit speak to you and encourage you in your faith journey.

Let’s pray. Lord, thank you for entrusting me with faith that I can nurture by spending time with you. Each day I feel closer to you and more aware of your movement in my life. Help me continue to become more like you as I reflect your divine nature. What an honor and privilege it is to be your child. In Jesus’ name. Amen.