Jezebel had to be the vilest woman in the Bible. Her husband, King Ahab, was also evil, but he met his demise years earlier. Jezebel was the daughter of a foreign king who made it her life mission to have all of Israel worshipping her god, Baal.
Jezebel’s life is an interesting story of how a pagan queen became the villain of God’s people. One might applaud her for her commitment; however, it was hugely misguided. Imagine if she had been that determined to bring the people to repentance and to then follow the LORD! She had the financial means as well as the royal authority to get attention.
But in the end, there wasn’t much left of her. Elijah’s prophecy of 1 Kings 21:23 has been fulfilled. “And regarding Jezebel, the Lord says, ‘Dogs will eat Jezebel’s body at the plot of land in Jezreel.” Gone in an instant were her power, her wealth, her prestige, and soon her entire family and followers. Jehu is just getting started.
We also lose our earthly treasures when we die. No matter what we have accumulated in this life, we can’t take it with us. Thankfully, we have a hope that Jezebel did not. We have the promise of eternal life with God forever. As it says in Romans 10:9, “If you openly declare that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.” We know the way to salvation is Jesus. Our story continues at death. Jezebel’s demise was the end of her story. Her reign was finally over.
The end for all of us will come soon enough. We have a choice of how we spend our remaining days. What are you committed to? Sometimes just making it through the day can be a victory! But don’t let the repetition of life blind you to the beauty around you. Be clear on your passion. What kind of a legacy do you want to leave?
God is calling you into a relationship with him. Reading God’s word each day gives you insight into his character, as well as the lives of both the villains and heroes you encounter. There is so much we can learn from their actions, whether mistakes or obedience.
How is this passage speaking to you?
Life is short. Make the most of each moment God has given you. Be clear on your commitment to the big picture. Take some time today to reflect on that.

Let’s pray …
Lord, I am feeling so grateful for your faithfulness and love for me. I am committed to being the best I can be at loving you and other people. Please direct my steps and make it clear to me how I can fulfill that mission. Forgive me for times when I have been too focused on my own needs or accomplishments. I look forward to each opportunity you give me to shine my light for you. In Jesus’ name. Amen.