Often, prophets deliver unpleasant news. Today, the recruited prophet was going to anoint the next king of Israel and deliver news of prophecy that would soon be fulfilled. All to his own peril! Why else would he be told by Elisha to flee? The new king would not waste any time in implementing the punishment against Ahab’s dynasty.
This unnamed prophet, while bold and brave, was not the only one being used by God. Jehu would become the next king, and he would be God’s instrument to do away with the family of Ahab, just as Elijah had predicted some 20 years earlier. God’s timing had brought everyone to this turning point.
We are also able to be used by God. Perhaps you can look back on your life and see how God has planted you in situations for his purpose. At the time, you may not have even been aware, but God was. Take some time today to think through some of those “opportunities” God has given you and give him thanks for walking with you through those times.
God is not finished using us, is he? There is plenty more work to be done. The challenging part can be figuring out what God’s intentions actually are. We can find ourselves going off in directions that are not God’s plans for our lives. While God is great at handling the “Plan B’s” of our lives, how much better would it have been had we gone with his Plan A?
I’m finding this passage to be encouraging. God is true to his word. Ahab’s destiny was set, and, while I expected it to happen sooner, it is going to happen. God’s promises do come true. God’s faithfulness is without measure. I love the image of Psalm 91:4 which reads, “He will cover you with his feathers. He will shelter you with his wings. His faithful promises are your armor and protection.”
What do you need right now? Have you asked God? Keep in mind God is in the habit of giving us what we “need,” not necessarily what we “want” or ask for. Maybe you want to ask for clarity on how God wants to use you. Be ready to move when you get the response!
Don’t rush past your quiet time today. Really listen for God’s direction and leading for this day, this week, perhaps even this year!

Let’s pray …
I stand in awe of you, God, for how you have worked in my life even when I’ve headed in the wrong direction. Forgive me for those times when I spread my wings in unhealthy ways. Guide my steps and open my eyes to the plans you have for me. Use me, God! In Jesus’ name. Amen.