Do you know what ambassadors do? If that’s what we are, we should know what our jobs are. It sounds pretty important and we carry some pretty hefty authority! An online definition says an ambassador is “an official representative or promoter.” For our purposes, we get some clues in our text for today. What do we see?
The job we are called to do is help reconcile people to God. We are cheerleaders or promoters for God. There are a lot of people in this world who don’t know God, much less have a personal relationship with him. God desires to be connected with all of us. So as God’s representatives our text prepares us for what we might encounter, and how we should present ourselves.
We may face resistance, so we may need to persuade others. They don’t know what they are missing, so we can share our own story with them. They will see that we have sincere hearts and mean well. We want to be relatable and always interested in their stories, too. There is no better way to build trust than to be a good listener. People love to be heard.
No matter what, in everything we say and do, we should bring glory to God. After all, if we are his representatives, we want to reflect well on him. For people to want to be Christ followers like us, we need to make it look attractive. If we are giving glory to God, acting in ways that will please him and follow his will, that will be attractive. People know they are missing “something.” They are searching. When they can find it inside us, they are going to want it, too.
We should live our lives for Christ who died for us. What does that look like for you? No matter what is going on in the world or in our lives, we need to have gratitude. Think of what Jesus did for you. For you. If I ever get a little off track and begin to feel sorry for myself or my situation, I think of that. What Christ did for me. For the world. My own little pitty party starts to fizzle out.
I loved verse 13, “If it seems we are crazy, it is to bring glory to God. And if we are in our right minds, it is for your benefit.” Sometimes we see people who are little “too” on fire for Christ. They can even make me uncomfortable. But their intention is good. It’s their delivery that needs some refinement. But they are doing it. They are trying to reconcile people to God.
How are you going to be a “little crazy” to bring glory to God today? Who is going to benefit from your being “crazy?”

Let’s pray … Lord, be glorified in all I say and do. Things are going crazy around me right now, but it’s more about the chaos in the world than people being ambassadors for you. Forgive me in my frenzy and concern. Help me to focus on what is true and helpful. Use me to be a comfort and encouragement to others, helping them find you in the midst of this time. Give me strength. Give me peace. In Jesus’ name. Amen.