When I read this text, two things stand out to me. I think of a Christian band called Jars of Clay, and I recognize the lyrics of song “Trading My Sorrows” by Darrell Evans are taken from this text. I love when I find lyrics in Scripture. But what I want to focus on today is how fragile we all are, even if we don’t realize it.
Have you ever dropped a clay pot? What happens? It shatters and dirt goes everywhere, not to mention the plant you are trying to grow. At least the clay pots I’ve encountered are fragile–just like we are. In this passage, Paul is being real with his friends in Corinth. Paul hasn’t had an easy go of it. He has endured exactly what he describes. Paul has seen it all, being pressed, perplexed, hunted down, and knocked down. Just like us.
But, did you see that each trouble or sorrow had a positive ending. We may be pressed on every side, but we are never crushed. We may be hunted down, but we are never abandoned by God. We may endure a lot of hardship, but we are never destroyed. And our response? The lyrics of the song say, “and his joy’s gonna be my strength.”
Just as pottery is refined by the fire, we are refined, made stronger, made whole by belonging to Jesus. Where we are weak, God makes us strong. It’s a beautiful reminder to give God, the potter, thanks and praise for how he intervenes in our lives. Our troubles or “sorrows” can be used to make us stronger, too, if we let them.
What are some areas of weakness for you? Are you exhausted? Are you lonely? Are you depressed? Are you stressed? Are you impatient? Do some of these weaknesses even play off each other? Are you (like me) always pushing to be on top of things, even at the expense of your own wellbeing? I can remember many nights of only getting only a few hours of sleep, just so that I could fit it all in. We don’t need to rely on our own strength. Let the truth of Romans 5:6 give you peace, “When we were utterly helpless, Christ came at just the right time and died for us sinners.”
How are you going to respond to this reading today? What is the cost of you pushing on through, trying to do it all? Will friendships dissolve? Will your children or spouse suffer from lack of attention? Think of yourself as a jar of clay. That might help remind you that you are fragile, that God, the master potter loves you no matter what, and that you can call upon his strength to get you through. Don’t be ashamed of your weakness, let the power of Christ be seen in you.

Let’s pray … Lord, I do feel weak and a bit lost today. I guess that’s okay. I’m going to call it out and call on you to be my strength. I need you Lord to pick up the pieces of my shattered clay pot and make me beautiful again. I trust with your design I will be even more beautiful than before. Thank you for loving me even when I am fragile and frail. In Jesus’ name. Amen.