How many times do we toot our own horns? We can often get so full of ourselves and our abilities we lose sight of where that gifting came from. We are who we are because God made us this way. We are also shaped by circumstance and the realities we face as inhabitants of this planet. We are given the ability to choose our path and live our lives on our terms.
What does that look like for you? Are you feeling fulfilled? Do you know without a doubt that you are living the life God intended for you? Do you even care? This may seem a bit harsh, but I am curious how many people are just going through the motions and how many are truly focused on being who God wants them to be.
You may have heard this quote by William J. Toms, “Be careful how you live. You may be the only Bible some person ever reads.” If we are going around seeking praise for ourselves and not giving God the glory, what does that look like to others? You never know who might be watching you. If you profess to be a follower of Christ and yet don’t act “appropriately” you give Jesus a bad name. Right?
We have been working to build our business and have seen so many people in this industry acting like they are mighty and invincible. We hear that we need to have “authority” to be taken seriously. Some people think the way to have authority is by tooting their own horns and flaunting their success. David and I are on course to have plenty of authority, but we are bringing this to the marketplace in the form of integrity. Our devotion to Christ needs to be part of who we are. After all, we are relying on our God given gifts, strengths, and passions to run our business. This is only one example.
Who do you praise? Yourself? God? Famous people? Maybe another question should be, “what does it mean to praise?” The Psalms are full of great examples of giving praise to God. I also like Isaiah 12:4, “In that day you will say: “Give praise to the Lord, proclaim his name; make known among the nations what he has done, and proclaim that his name is exalted.” That is how I want to live my life. I want to see the name of Jesus exalted.
Our text from 2 Corinthians also says, “It is not that we think we are qualified to do anything on our own. Our qualification comes from God. He has enabled us to be ministers of his new covenant.” We will talk more about the new covenant because that was an important message for Paul to share with these growing church communities. But this verse should humble us a little and remind us who gives us our power, our enthusiasm, our drive and motivation, our skills. God qualifies us for the work he intends for us.
Take some time today to reflect on how God has gifted to you. Are you using your gifts to glorify God? He is the only one who is worthy of praise.
Let’s pray … Father God, I exalt your name and want to see your name lifted high. In this world full of shiny objects and enticements, help me to stay strong and focused on you and your will for my life. May praise be on my tongue at all times. May I let go of fear, worry, and dread. Fill me with your peace so I can walk boldly forth and proclaim and worship you alone. In Jesus’ name. Amen.