2 Chronicles 30:1-9 – The Invitation

invitation on bright blue card with script words: You are invited"

Read 2 Chronicles 30:1-9

King Hezekiah continues to want to bring honor to God. He is even “bending the rules,” to include more people. Hezekiah is doing his best to encourage more people to repent and return to God. He’s in the perfect position to exert his influence to make good things happen.

The celebration of Passover is approaching; and that is a big deal for Hezekiah and people following the LORD. From the sounds of it, Hezekiah’s plan is to bring all of Israel and Judah together to remember the miracle God worked in the lives of their ancestors.

The Chronicler clearly loves Hezekiah’s heart for the LORD. When your leader closely follows God, there is always going to be worship and plenty of duties for the priests and Levites. Under King Hezekiah’s rule, priests should be getting used to following the purification requirements.

Everyone was invited to the Passover celebration. Preparations were underway, and the king wanted to show great hospitality. How are you welcoming those who may have lost their way on the faith journey or never known the way in the first place? Jesus put us in charge, too, to make sure people knew he was the way.

The Passover celebration was going on at the time Jesus sacrificed himself for us many years after King Hezekiah. As I write this reflection, this year’s Passover feast will fall in about a month even though Holy Week is just beginning.

King Hezekiah was serious about leading a God-fearing nation. If you heard the king’s proclamation, it would be difficult to ignore the request. I can just imagine hearing the king’s decree, “O people of Israel, return to the Lord, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Israel, so that he will return to the few of us who have survived the conquest of the Assyrian kings.”

“Don’t be stubborn,” the king had said. He knew people would dig their heels in, stuck in their old patterns. Change can be hard, even change for the better. You’ve probably encountered stubborn people not wanting to be agreeable. How do you handle them? Do you still try to invite them to hear the message about Jesus?

We can learn a thing or two from Hezekiah’s boldness. He wasn’t afraid to let his devotion for the LORD reign supreme. Such confidence in the LORD. Hezekiah’s eyes were open, and he had seen, or at least heard, about how God moves in support of those who trust him. It’s not hard to trust God when we can get out of our own way.

It’s easy to invite others to meet Jesus when we have trust like Hezekiah. Ask God for help if sharing your witness testimony is daunting. He wants to be known. Hezekiah’s letter to the people said, “For the Lord your God is gracious and merciful. If you return to him, he will not continue to turn his face from you.” What a message! What an invitation to life!

colorful animation of prayer hands and hearts and flowers

Let’s pray. LORD, you know my heart and how it breaks to see a world of disinterested people. They are missing out on a relationship with you that would totally change their lives. Help me not get complacent in my own faith journey. Open my eyes so I can see you moving. Grow my confidence in my own ability to share and desire to make a difference for you. Guide me and use me. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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