2 Chronicles 29:18-36 – What a Worshipful Celebration!

crowd worshipping with arms in the air, holding Bibles

Read 2 Chronicles 29:18-36

The Chronicler loves a good party, especially when it involves praising the LORD in worship. Great accomplishments had been made to restore the temple and prepare the place to receive offerings to the LORD. King Hezekiah appreciated the significance and seemed driven to please the LORD.

I may not understand all the purification rituals, but I do understand that we should always want to present ourselves well before the LORD. I suppose that’s why for generations people used to dress up for church wearing their “Sunday best.” Only the best for God!

I remember the first time I saw a pastor wearing jeans while preaching a sermon. That rocked my world. More and more that’s normal and expected attire, unless you’re part of a highly traditional type congregation. There are other ways we show our devotion to God besides dressing up nicely. Sometimes an extravagant dress code can be unwelcoming to folks who don’t know the unspoken “rules.”

Let’s focus on the worship, after all, the Chronicler’s focus, as a priest, would be telling stories about worship events. What do we see? Instruments of many sorts, utilizing the psalms, burnt offerings, and the people “offered joyous praise and bowed down in worship.”  

I’ve attended a lot of worship celebrations in my day, but I’ve never encountered a burnt offering. This passage tells of all the sacrifices being made the day the temple was rededicated. That’s a lot of livestock. No wonder they didn’t have enough priests on duty to handle such a response.

King Hezekiah had to be very pleased with how this celebration was going so early in his reign. We read, “And Hezekiah and all the people rejoiced because of what God had done for the people, for everything had been accomplished so quickly.” Credit is given to God for overseeing this whole project. The response is praise and thanksgiving. What a great model for us. How do you respond to what God is doing in your life? Do you worship him with such intensity?

colorful animation of prayer hands and hearts and flowers

Let’s pray. LORD, it is so refreshing to see how Hezekiah kicked off his reign with such an honorable project. Like Hezekiah, I know I want you to be the ruler of my life, too. Help me to have clarity on how you want me handle the situations I face each day. May I continue to sense the mercy and grace of your presence. Guide me and use me. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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