2 Chronicles 27:1-9 – Stay the Course

country road wet from a rain with a rainbow in the distance

Read 2 Chronicles 27:1-9

Congratulations to King Jotham! He remained faithful for his entire sixteen-year reign. That’s a feat his own father and several generations of kings before him could not accomplish. The Chronicler points out, “King Jotham became powerful because he was careful to live in obedience to the Lord his God.”

Despite having a faithful king, the people Jotham ruled were still disobedient to the LORD. How do you think that made Jotham feel? The Chronicler doesn’t go into any detail about what measures Jotham may have tried to bring the people around on a spiritual level. Perhaps he hoped that his own faithfulness would be a good model for his subjects to follow.

Sadly, the people remained corrupt. Too many years had passed with kings who had gone “dark” and allowed idol worship and other sinful behaviors to become the “norm.” It can be hard to stay faithful when you are surrounded by people who don’t believe the same as you. Jotham’s example encourages us that it is possible.

What did Jotham do to stay true? Jotham would have continually placed his decisions in front of the LORD for blessing before taking action. He would have sought God’s will in each circumstance of life. Do we do likewise?

It can be a struggle to overcome the distractions of the world and shut out the voices of deception that don’t seem “that bad.” That’s why it’s so important to surround ourselves with other believers who can support us and help us seek the truth. We have in our hands the truth we need each time we pick up our Bibles. When we spend time in God’s word and in conversation with God (prayer), we are stronger and ready to face to world’s opposition.

Preparing ourselves with prayer and God’s word is like arming ourselves for battle each day. Without such protection, we open ourselves up to a whole host of unnecessary trials and hardships. When adversity comes, and we’re not promised “perfect” lives as followers of Christ, it is so reassuring to know we have the LORD by our side.

Stay the course on your faith journey. Weather storms of highs and lows in your life. Keep your eyes on Jesus. Marvel at Jesus’ words from John 14:6: “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through me.”

colorful animation of prayer hands and hearts and flowers

Let’s pray. LORD, you are always faithful, and you have called me to be in relationship with you. I am in awe of you; that the creator of all things would be interested in me. Help me to stay the course and be strong in spite the messages of the world that are contrary to your truth. Thank you for revealing yourself to me in the pages of Scripture. I want to be one of the obedient ones who recognizes you as the king of my life. Give me your strength. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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