Read 2 Chronicles 18:9-34
Is that how you thought Ahab’s life would end? Despite all his efforts to defy Micaiah’s prophecy from the LORD, Ahab still died, just as the LORD had said. Clearly, Ahab chose not to let the prophet’s message from God stop him from his attempt to take over Ramoth-gilead.
I had to wonder why Jehoshaphat went along with Ahab after hearing the warning from God. Was Jehoshaphat secretly trying to get rid of Israel’s king by going along with this war? How could Jehoshaphat sit back and not stop his “friend” from signing his death warrant by marching off to war?
Micaiah had been given very detailed visions about Ahab’s fate. They were not uplifting or encouraging. We saw how Ahab handled hearing the truth. For Ahab, the truth about his own death had to hurt, to sting. It seems Ahab was focused on making sure God’s truth didn’t come to pass. He tried to trick the people so they wouldn’t recognize him. That stunt almost got Jehoshaphat killed. Thanks to the LORD’s intervention, Jehoshaphat was left unharmed.
How do you handle embracing the truth when it hurts or is uncomfortable? Do you run the other way, bury your head in the sand, or accept it knowing you are not alone? Thankfully, most of us won’t ever receive a death threat like Ahab did that day. But we are bound to encounter some reality that is painful, like dealing with illness, the death of a loved one, the loss of a job, or broken relationships.
The messages we get from God through his word tend to be more uplifting and encouraging. We have God’s promises and the teachings of Jesus to learn from and be blessed by. God’s word is full of wisdom, and we should take heed to how God responds to people for their disobedience. Merely standing on the truth of scripture can be difficult at times.
God had set a trap for Ahab that day. According to Micaiah’s vision, all of Ahab’s prophets had been filled with a spirit of lies that were instrumental in leading Ahab astray. Ahab heard what he wanted to hear from them. God took credit for their deception. It was all part of God’s design to rid Israel of the evil king, Ahab.
So what happens now for Jehoshaphat? The story will continue in the next chapter, so stay tuned.

Let’s pray. LORD, this was a good reminder for me that not all messages from you are positive and uplifting. Sometimes you are getting our attention so that we can move in a different direction. When we realize that what we thought was your will was not, it can be painful to admit defeat. Thank you for loving me no matter what mistakes I make. Help me do a better job at listening for your voice and direction so that I can minimize the pain of making the wrong choices. In Jesus’ name. Amen.