Read 1 Peter 3:1-7
There are some interesting words of wisdom in our text today. Peter was married, so he had the marital experience Paul did not have (Paul talked about family roles, too). Even if you’re unmarried yourself, we all know people who are married. Keep them in mind, too, as you read these verses.
Some people may say Peter’s advice is outdated and doesn’t apply anymore. Others may appreciate Peter for calling out how marriage is a partnership. The Bible has a lot more to say about marriage, but it’s interesting to get Peter’s viewpoint of God’s great design. What can we glean from Peter?
As you reflect on what is before us in today’s reading, think about your initial reaction to Peter. Do you get defensive? Or are you feeling encouraged, like me, because your marriage covenant resembles what Peter describes?
There are several lines that really resonate with me. Perhaps it’s because my first marriage was not ideal, and the scars are still showing from that. The first refers to unbelieving husbands, and Peter says, “they will be won over by observing your pure and reverent lives.” That’s only if their authority is accepted. I know I did my best, often feeling like a doormat, but unfortunately, I never “won him over” like I prayed would happen.
The second, “You should clothe yourselves instead with the beauty that comes from within, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is so precious to God.” I want to be precious to God. It says he likes a gentle, quiet spirit. I can do that. I’ve never been flamboyant, although some would call me “enthusiastic.” I’ve toned that down a bit, but I never want to squelch the spirit of God that burns inside me.
Did any of the verses speak to you?
I wonder if Peter’s statement, “She may be weaker than you are, but she is your equal partner in God’s gift of new life” ruffled any feathers in his day? I imagine this was quite radical to state so boldly that we are in an “equal partnership” to enjoy the new life God has given us as believers in Jesus. As a woman, I want my husband to still be the spiritual head of our family. I’m just thankful that God wants us to be partners in life!
It’s hard when we’re not on the same page as our spouses in terms of our faith. Peter deals with that reality here to a degree. As an early church leader, he wanted to make sure he supported his fellow believers with truth to help navigate through the challenges of life. Faith issues would have been a big deal then as well as now.
The marital relationship should be a safe place where both spouses feel heard and appreciated. When we allow God to be the center of our marriage relationship, our focus becomes more on pleasing God than fulfilling our own selfish desires that could potentially harm our spouse in some way. That’s the bottom line I take away from Peter’s counsel. How can you make your marriage (or close relationships with friends) more holy and pleasing to God?

Let’s pray. Thank you for how you have created us to be in relationship with others and with you. Forgive for me for those times when I have failed to be the best spouse I could be. Continue to grow my relationship with my spouse by drawing us closer to you. In Jesus’ name. Amen.