Read 1 Peter 1:10-12
The prophets of the Old Testament did not only talk about events that were going to happen in their day. Some of their messages pointed to a future time, the day of the Lord, the day of God’s deliverance. Interesting that Peter would include a reference to the prophets so early in his letter. I suppose he was making a connection with his audience.
Everything about being a Christ-follower was new. But reflecting on the prophets of old would be comforting and familiar to those with Jewish roots. Think about what the prophets must have thought when they spoke of “gracious salvation.” That was a foreign concept to them.
As crazy as it sounded, the prophets shared what the Spirit of Christ was whispering in their ears. The prophets of old spoke of Jesus on so many occasions. How they must have longed to know more about the “great glory,” that we know as Jesus’ resurrection. That event kicked off the promise of being resurrected with Christ one day. We have a small glimpse of what our salvation will look like.
Those reading Peter’s letter in his day would have been that much closer to the events of Jesus’ life we read about in the gospels. Peter himself had had a front row seat to watch each of those prophecies be fulfilled before his eyes. Let that enormous thought sit with you for a moment.
What did you think when you read what Peter shared about the angels? I had forgotten they didn’t know Jesus was going to die and be raised again. God had kept that a “secret” between him and Jesus. How does it make you feel to know something so grand that even the angels weren’t privy to?
Don’t forget there are prophecies yet to be fulfilled. We’ve also seen how some prophecies have multiple fulfillments, depending on the generation in question. Doesn’t that speak to the timelessness of God? God’s plans and execution of his will are known only by him. And that’s okay! We can only trust!
But God has given us inquiring minds. It seems each generation has attempted to figure out when God’s end time prophecies are going to be fulfilled. There are countless dates that have been computed, calculated, and imagined. We’re not alone, even the angels are curious! But Peter tells us they are also waiting with us. “It is all so wonderful that even the angels are eagerly watching these things happen.” The only difference, the angels have a better vantage point to be first to see God moving.
Are you eagerly waiting Jesus’ return? Peter had been so close to him. You know seeing Jesus again would be the first thing on Peter’s mind. Peter only had a few short weeks after the resurrection to make amends with Jesus before he ascended back to the Father. While he waited for Jesus, Peter knew he’d been given a job to do—to tell others about Jesus. We have that same job!
We’re not that different from Peter in wanting to see Jesus face to face. Peter just happens to know what it’s like to look into the eyes of God and feel his embrace. Try imagining the embrace for yourself as you read the Bible. In those holy moments, it’s like you’re surrounded by a fuzzy, warm blanket designed to keep all the troubles of the world away. What a precious time to surrender to God and await his message (like a big hug)!
Close your eyes and spend some time just imagining yourself sitting with Jesus. I’m pretty sure there will be an embrace in that picture someplace.

Let’s pray. Thank you, Jesus, for how you have entered my heart and made me whole. I can just imagine how excited Peter was to see you again when he wrote these words. So many years have passed since then. I, too, look forward to the day when you return or take me home. Thank you for how your Word comforts and sustains me. In Jesus’ name. Amen.