It doesn’t appear that Solomon spent a lot of down time while construction was underway. It was interesting to me that the Bible states clearly that no Israelites were used as slaves or to do the hard labor. Solomon employed them in other ways. Solomon did delegate that “dirty work” to the remnants of people living in the land that his ancestors had not been able to conquer.
We are also now informed of where Solomon got all of the gold that adorned the temple. Previously, we knew of the cedar and bronze he had procured from allies. I can’t even fathom what 16 tons of gold would look like!
The account of Solomon’s rule shows very intentional and thought-out solutions. After all, he had asked God for wisdom. That was the gift he had been given so happily by God early in his reign. The plan was executed efficiently and effectively. We could only hope that our plans would come to completion so nicely.
I’m not sure how much time Solomon would have on his hands. However, he was a genius at delegating tasks. If I could only be as good at delegating! For some reason, I have it stuck in my head that only “I” can do the very things I should be delegating. Heaven forbid that I ask for help or share.
That’s the key. Think of delegating as “sharing.” I am much more likely to “share” my business model with a colleague rather than “sell.” Why should “sharing” tasks be the positive take on giving up the control? Simply remember that as an overseer delegating tasks, you are still in control! You’re the boss!
Solomon was surely in a role of authority as king. He took on the leadership role in the building project, too. He found the right men for the job and put them to work. Is there something in your life that you could delegate?
I think of when the kids were little, and we’d delegate some chores to help them “earn” their allowance. Now that was easy! No more emptying the dishwasher or sweeping up after a couple of shedding dogs! Now I enjoy sharing the task of food preparation with our housekeeper. She delights in spoiling us with her Mexican cooking, and I am over the moon not having to cook–only warm up her delicious creations!
Now for someone who loves to cook, that delegation of mine might sound ludicrous. But find some tasks you’d like to “share.” Like Solomon was efficient, we can be more efficient when we delegate a little.
How else did this passage speak to you?

Let’s pray …
Lord, thank you for the ability to let go and delegate. That hasn’t always been easy for me. I love how you have challenged me, and the freedom to spend more time with you is so worth it. Help me to continue to look for ways to bless others by sharing tasks, as well as offering my services. In Jesus’ name. Amen.