1 Corinthians 4:1-21 – God’s Gift

Read 1 Corinthians 4:1-21

I can only do my best.  The Lord will be the final judge, to examine me, my heart, my ways.  My job is to follow him, acknowledge him as Lord of my life, and thank him for his grace and forgiveness….every day of my life, every moment of my being.  He has given me everything.  So while my conscience is clear, most days, God will be the final judge of my worthiness.

God has gifted us with so much, not only my physical, material goods, but my spiritual gifts. He has given me passions and skills, and the key is “given”, they are gifts.  “All good gifts around me, are sent from heaven above”, the lyrics to a familiar song.  How many times do we take for granted all that we have?  I just need to slow down, empty my cluttered head, and truly relish all the gifts God has given me.  When I do that, there is such a feeling of gratitude.  How can I not act in ways that are pleasing, how can I not jump for joy at the thought of a loving God who wants to give me good things, how can I not shout from the mountain tops that EVERYONE needs to know this awesome God. Yet, I sit here quietly at my computer….

It’s fear I think.  Fear of judgment, fear of being laughed at, lose a job all because I started singing or dancing with the joy inside me.  So we contain ourselves, I think that’s the best way to describe it.  I contain my exuberance, and in so doing, the potential to be transparent vanishes or at least is not as visible.  To be treated like garbage, as this passage suggests, I’m not sure I worry about that, but maybe I do.  I know that I am more valuable than garbage.  God doesn’t make junk after all.  

So, how do we respond to what God has given?  Ponder this

I do know that I want people I come in contact with to know, without a doubt, that there is something different about me, that there is something alive and vibrant, a sense of confidence.  Where does that come from, why does it happen? It’s because I am assured of my salvation.  If only that light in me will open doors to speak, I hope and pray for those moments.

Let’s pray.  Lord, help me to stay focused on you and not on what the world around me might think.  Use me and the talents you have given me to make this world a better place.  Help me not to judge others for how they act or what they say and remember that you are the only judge. Thank you for the many blessings you bestow.  In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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