1 Corinthians 3:1-23 – Teamwork

Read 1 Corinthians 3:1-23

Do you see it?  The theme running through this passage is: teamwork. Our team’s goal is to bring others into relationship with Jesus. We can’t take credit for the growth, but we are called to plant and water.  It really bothers me when I hear people say “I brought so-and-so to the Lord.” No, YOU did not.  You may have helped in some way, but it was NOT YOU! How arrogant!!  Maybe they just don’t know any better or really believe that it is all about them? I suppose I need to just get over it, and worry about myself, make sure I don’t make that same mistake and take credit for something I didn’t do.  Semantics really.  Only God can grow the heart to the point where there is no question.  God grows us so that to follow Jesus becomes non-negotiable, a no-brainer, something we must do, something we can no longer live without.  

To be sure, to be used by God, to be part of a person’s story of redemption and salvation is an honor beyond compare.  More times than not we don’t know how our actions have impacted the lives of those around us. It doesn’t matter, we don’t need to see the outcome, we just need to plant and water.  Our seeds may be planted years before any true transformation takes place.  So, we can’t focus on the results.

So if my job is to plant seeds, I need to look at those around me and get busy.  Where do you see a need or hunger?  Who is empty and feeling alone because they don’t have the love of Christ burning inside?  Maybe it’s the youth at church, maybe it’s someone at the nursing home, maybe it’s your neighbor?  Take a moment now to thank God for such an opportunity to be planting seeds. What a privilege.  

For years, I would do the children’s sermon during our worship time on Sunday mornings.  Gotta love those seeds.  Those young hearts were very open, and it wasn’t because sometimes I had candy or other surprises. But when I stop and think – oh my — such responsibility to be a sower of seeds! But no, I need to focus on providing good seed, very good seed, others will water and God will grow.  I know that.  I trust that.  How about you?  Are you sowing and watering the seeds?

That same Spirit that is at work to grow others is also in me and you. Because he takes up residence inside me, I want for his home to be the most comfortable, most healthy place it can be.  My body, the temple of God.  Can you even imagine that.  God lives in me!  How can I be worthy? I need to really wrap my head around that.

It saddens me when I look around at the gluttony and selfishness of people in this world.  God lives there, too.  Those temples are in a bit of ruin or disrepair.  I want to shout, “Don’t you know your body is a temple for God?  Do you really think you’re giving God the best place to dwell?” My body is not perfect, but I’m working on that, too. But, holiness.  Me? Crazy, I don’t feel holy.  What does that even feel like?  

And finally, the other verse that really spoke to me today, that EVERYTHING belongs to me, I belong to Christ, and Christ belongs to God. There is certainly a lot of belonging going on, but what a peace and joy the thought of that brings.  Right?  In the midst of any struggle, any despair, any state of questioning “why am I here”, the mere promise that everything belongs to me, that I belong to Jesus, and Jesus belongs to God. By association, I belong to God, too!  I am not a lone wolf out here.  I belong even when I feel alone.  Even when I look around and am not surrounded by a ton of friends, busy with going this way or that, posting new adventures, meeting new people.  I still belong to the God, the Almighty, the King of Kings, my Heavenly Father.

Let’s pray.  Thank you for your word today.  There is so much I feel convicted of in just these few verses. Reveal yourself to me today. May I be prepared to plant and water seeds where you show me the need. Thank you for the assurance that you live in me and that I belong to you.  I am empowered by your holiness.  In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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