1 Chronicles 20:1-8 – Battling Giants

girl standing on a bridge with a big wave behind her

Read 1 Chronicles 20:1-8

Reading a chapter like this in the Bible left me wondering, why. Why does the Bible contain so much detail about war? It’s hard to read about war being “normal.” The Chronicler even said, “In the spring of the year, when kings normally go out to war.” When I think of Spring, I think of budding trees, grass becoming green again, and flowers everywhere.

It’s great to hear how God was with David’s army, bringing one victory after another. But when you think about what war does to a country and all the people involved, it’s a bit heart breaking. We have to remember it’s all part of God’s story.

When I encountered this passage, I didn’t know what message God wanted me to take away at first. If that ever happens to you, I suggest doing what I did. I walked away from the text for a bit. Find some other tasks to distract you. When you come back, familiar with what you read previously, ask God to show you the wisdom he wants you to see.

This new revelation for me today was about battling giants. First of all, I can’t say as I have ever seen a giant in real life. My nephew is probably one of the tallest people I’ve ever seen, and when I stand next to him, I look like a shrimp. Our text today talks about several giants, not just the one we’re most familiar with (Goliath).

The giants I’m think about today are the big problems in life that hold us back. Many people are dealing with a mammoth of a problem right now. When we’re facing our giant, it’s easy to cave in, quit, or blindly ignore the giant hoping it will go away. It never does.

In our text today, we see how these warriors handled the giants they faced. These men didn’t run the other way. They completed their mission and killed their foes. Were they shaking inside? The text is silent about that, but I can only imagine the adrenaline was flowing. We know what God’s role has been in their victories from prior texts.

We have God on our side, too. We don’t have to fight our battles alone. Talk with God today about the giants you are facing and ask for his help in defeating them. Be sure to armor up and remember the “gear” God has given you. Read Ephesians 6 if you want to refresh your memory.

What are your giants? Get ready to fight them with God’s help!

colorful animation of prayer hands and hearts and flowers

Let’s pray. Lord, there are some huge giants in my way. They are zapping me of my joy, my peace, and my focus on you. Help me to stand firmly against the worry and dread I feel. I am ready to celebrate the victory of what you’ll help me accomplish. Thank you for the armor you have provided to keep me safe. Forgive me for feeling weak when I know you are there. Let’s do this together! In Jesus’ name. Amen.

4 thoughts on “1 Chronicles 20:1-8 – Battling Giants”

  1. I am struggling with a situation and prayed for the Lord to give me a scripture to help the situation. I was struggling to understand how the scripture related to my situation but this perfectly explained how it related as this is definitely feels like a mammoth of a problem in my life right now. I appreciate you sharing and am glad the Lord led me to your page. Thank you!

    1. I’m sorry for the situation you are walking through, but delighted you found some solace in my reflection on this passage. God is always faithful. I hope that you’ve connected and joined my newsletter so we can stay in touch! If you ever feel like sharing or need prayer, let me know. -Dana

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