Read Zechariah 6:1-8
Like bookends, this eighth and final vision fits together nicely with the first vision. Both involve colorful horses patrolling the earth. In this vision, the horses are pulling war chariots which would signify God’s powerful might.
These horses have also been assigned directions they are to travel. The black horses going north are heading in the direction of Babylon. Zechariah’s first audience would have been particularly interested in that direction since it is where they spent the last 70 years in exile.
I like Verse 8 in The Message (paraphrase) which reads, “Then he called to me and said, “Look at them go! The ones going north are conveying a sense of my Spirit, serene and secure. No more trouble from that direction.” What a relief to have assurance there would be no more oppression after what they had lived through. Simply by the tone of this translation, I sense that this vision would have been a real comfort.
If you’ve ever been tormented by another person or entity, you know the uneasy feeling when you think things may be getting back to normal, only to have the “other shoe drop” and experience the abuse all over again. I wonder if the returning Israelites had a little of that going on. Maybe always looking over their shoulder to see if they were going to be captured or caught up in war.
What I like about this vision is that the whole planet is under patrol. God’s sovereignty is for everyone. The north had been notoriously evil with false gods that tempted many of God’s own children to fall into the trap of sin. This vision would have shown God’s extreme power in defeating evil.
We know that Jesus also fought the battle with Satan, or one of his evil accomplices, on more than one occasion. Jesus’ final victory over sin and death may have taken the evil one by surprise. The good news is the victory has already been won!
We are now waiting for Christ’s return so he can fully reveal his kingdom. We’re learning more and more about God’s “universe” with all the talk lately of planets and comets, asteroids and other phenomena. But his kingdom is so much more than that! We should crave to learn more about this kingdom we’ve been promised.
While we wait, we find Jesus in the pages of Scripture. We build a strong relationship with him by spending time with him. You’ll find that the more time you spend in God’s word, the more fulfilled and confident you’ll feel.
The Holy Spirit lives in us. Those “patrolling winds” are the Holy Spirit connecting with God’s children. Their mission is peace, and that’s one of the gifts of the spirit. Don’t forget to tap into that power.

Let’s pray. Lord, you know my weaknesses and tendency to rush my time with you. I love it when I am more intentional and can just rest in your presence. I can find true balance in my life when I make spending time with you a priority. Thank you for putting all of the rest of my tasks into perspective. Guide me in all I say and do so that I can shine for you and love like you. In Jesus’ name. Amen.