Zechariah 5:1-4 – It’s a Bird…It’s a Plane…

seagull flying in the blue sky and clouds

Read Zechariah 5:1-4

No, it’s a flying scroll! This scroll was huge, the height of a 3-story building and the width is comparable to a midsize sedan. Zechariah’s visions continue to shed light on God’s plans and intentions. On this scroll, God had written his words of judgment for the corrupt people.

It seems that stealing and swearing falsely are the two offenses that need to be mitigated. Stealing would symbolize harming another person in any way, and those who swear falsely are those who have dishonored God. I imagine the words were in “large print” for all to read. This curse was upon all who had broken the covenant.

It’s helpful to understand the seriousness of a curse from God. Not only is the person cut off from all things good, but they are also doomed to waste away until they are destroyed. We see evidence of this decay from God’s judgment in our day with all the anxiety, dysfunctional relationships, broken homes, struggles for power, and disregard for God and holy living.

Yet, it’s hard for us to picture our loving God being portrayed in this way. Don’t ignore the message because we serve and love the same God. We need to be vigilant to not fall into the same traps these people did by following corrupt leadership.

Our God demands obedience. I may be a rebel in many ways, but I’ve long since given up rebelling against God and the truth of Scripture. I may not be a popular person in this life because I refuse to give in to the “politically correct” agenda. If something intends to lead me to disobey God, I do my best to avoid it.

Jesus never promised us an “easy” life. Zechariah’s vision should be a wake-up call for all of us. Before God can fully reveal his kingdom, evil must be purged. That is the principal message of this sixth vision. Jesus said in John 12:25, “Those who love their life in this world will lose it. Those who care nothing for their life in this world will keep it for eternity.”

The “purge” will happen whether we like it or not. We do have the choice to embrace it and cling to the hope we have in Jesus or run from God and await our doom. Let Paul’s words to the Romans lift your spirit today: “Rejoice in our confident hope. Be patient in trouble, and keep on praying.” (Romans 12:12)

colorful animation of prayer hands and hearts and flowers

Let’s pray. Lord, it’s difficult to read passages like this that seem so hard to fathom. Thank you for sending Jesus so that we have a rescue from the curse. Help me to do a better job of loving others and encouraging them in their hour of need. Fill my mouth with words that glorify you. Protect me from negativity and doubt. I will rest in you and keep praying. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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