Nehemiah 3:1-32 – Communication

Read Nehemiah 3:1-32

That was quite a reading! To get the full effect of what was happening in this part of God’s plan, reading the whole chapter at once made sense. You may even want to read it over again so you can truly revel in the magnitude of Nehemiah’s mission and how he chronicled it for us, almost like a memoir.

Can’t you just picture the scene of men working together to reconstruct this critical piece of Jewish history! We’re given so much detail, recognizing many for their efforts. Nehemiah did a great job of recording these statistics for us. For those named, so many more were also dedicating this season of their lives to this project.

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1 Corinthians 1:10-17 – A People Divided

Read 1 Corinthians 1:10-17

two roads dividing around mountain covered in foggy mist

One of my first memories of elementary school was being picked for dodgeball teams at recess or in gym class. I was lucky if I was picked before being the last one standing there feeling unwanted. (Not pleasant or good for my self-esteem, but somebody must be last!) How did they know I was lousy at sports and afraid of my own shadow?

I learned at that early age that there were divisions in the world. People were always being categorized one way or another. They were athletic or clumsy, smart or dumb, musical or seemingly tone deaf, rich or poor, etc. We could come up with labels all day long. Labels may be just words, but they also cause division and disunity.

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