Amos 5:21-24 💗 Don’t Miss What’s Important

Read Amos 5:21-24

blue circle with a white dove sitting on a white judges gavel

Amos’ words to the people came after he had called them to repent. God had given Amos a vision of what was going to happen to the nation of Israel. This section is warning them of the coming judgment. Now, it speaks wisdom to us to as our new theme is “Living as God Desires.”

What speaks to you in today’s reading? While we’re not using burnt offerings and sacrifices much these days, there are plenty of examples of putting on a show with our worship. Anything from fog machines to high church ritualistic dirges can cloud our true allegiance.

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December 3 🌟 Our Righteousness (Jeremiah 33:14-16)

Read Jeremiah 33:14-16

Heart made up of words used over and over "Christ is Your Righteousness"

Righteousness is one of those “churchy” words that might seem off-putting if you’re not familiar with the simple beauty. When I see that word, “righteousness,” I immediately translate it in my head to be–“right with God.” But the meaning is so much deeper and richer than that.

For me, I prefer to be on God’s “good side.” I’d be deceiving myself if I thought I was able to do it all on my own. That’s what makes righteousness, in this context, to be such a gift. God gave us Jesus to make us right with God.

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Galatians 2:11-21 – What is Justification

Read Galatians 2:11-21

David warned me the Book of Galatians would have its challenging passages. I had underlined a lot of what we read today at some point in my life, and verses 20-21 even got a little star by it. This must be important stuff. But then again, all of the Bible is “important stuff” that we should be consuming and using as our “life’s instruction manual.”

What’s up with Peter? And why did Paul put this little vignette in his story right before one of the most impactful of verses? I feel like Peter was really concerned for appearances. It was fine to share a meal with the Gentiles (of all people) when nobody was looking. But then as soon as some Jews show up, he steps away and back into being just Jewish. Didn’t there used to be a delightful British comedy called, “Keeping Up Appearances” following the life of Hyacinth?

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Proverbs 21:11-21 – The Great Pursuit

Read Proverbs 21:11-21

Did you picture a movie scene with one car in hot pursuit of another? Screeching tires and dust billowing all over?! There is no question, you see a definite intention to catch up with the other vehicle. It’s not just for fun, it’s serious. Or perhaps you thought of some of your own pursuits, a college degree, a career, wealth, fame.

Solomon has some great wisdom for us in verse 21. He says, “Whoever pursues righteousness and unfailing love will find life, righteousness, and honor.” Have you ever thought about pursuing righteousness or unfailing love? In some translations, unfailing love is referred to as loyalty. As I understand it, the word used for “pursue” here is stronger and more intentional than just a whim or something we’d “like” to have. We are to chase or follow, full of energy and definite intention. We are not to just search for but to conquer and overtake. This is serious business. Why righteousness and unfailing love?

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Matthew 5:17-20 – Obey the Law

Read Matthew 5:17-20

Wow – this could definitely be the wake-up call we all need to get back on track! If we had any doubt why Jesus came to earth, he clears it up for us right here. He didn’t come to abolish the laws of Moses but to “accomplish” them. So what does that mean exactly?

To be clear, these are not Moses’ laws, but the laws God gave to Moses to share with the people. For the years and years before Jesus came, these laws were what guided God’s people. As you can imagine, there were plenty of folks who broke the law or twisted the law, much like people do today. But there were also God-fearing people who followed the law, to the letter.

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