Wow – this could definitely be the wake-up call we all need to get back on track! If we had any doubt why Jesus came to earth, he clears it up for us right here. He didn’t come to abolish the laws of Moses but to “accomplish” them. So what does that mean exactly?
To be clear, these are not Moses’ laws, but the laws God gave to Moses to share with the people. For the years and years before Jesus came, these laws were what guided God’s people. As you can imagine, there were plenty of folks who broke the law or twisted the law, much like people do today. But there were also God-fearing people who followed the law, to the letter.
Jesus wanted to make clear upfront that he wasn’t coming to change the law. The law was good. He was going to “accomplish” it or “fulfill” it. The words Jesus’ proclaimed were intended to connect his own teaching with that which the people were familiar with. In fact, the teachings of the Old Testament all point to Jesus. That is the beautiful thing about Scripture. It has a purpose.
When we look at Jesus, we see the fulfillment of God’s law. Righteousness is defined. Being “right” with the father, obeying his will for us, and seeking God’s approval only, is what we see fulfilled in Jesus. Being in a right relationship with God and knowing Him, and it’s the foundation of our faith. As a result, we are eager to obey the particular directives contained in God’s written word.
There is a lot here in these few short verses. Don’t get stuck on the portions of the “law” we don’t necessarily follow anymore (like what we eat or how we sacrifice). Jesus is speaking to the whole will of God, not particular pieces of it. Suffice it to say, we are to obey and encourage others to do the same.
How is your relationship with God? Do you need to get back on track?

Let’s pray. Lord, we are amazed at your great love for us and how you have provided us so many answers. You want a right relationship with us, and we should be seeking that. Help me to follow you and encourage others to do the same. Keep my feet on the path you have for me. Help me to see when I have veered off course, and help me with the correction. I want to see you and know you. Cleanse me today from my sinful thoughts and desires. Replace that with the joy of your salvation. In Jesus’ name. Amen.