Read Mark 11:12-25
Well, the scene I was expecting in yesterday’s reading happened today. I didn’t read ahead! Sometimes we look ahead to see what’s coming and that can ruin the story for us. Have you ever read the last chapter in a book to see how it ends? Here, it doesn’t matter, we know how it ends. When all is said and done – Jesus is VICTORIOUS!
The money changer story had to be there as it was a pivotal point. The Mark tells us the Pharisees ‘began’ to plan Jesus’ death. They were seriously afraid, most likely threatened, because people were following Jesus and their authority was being questioned. Have you ever been in a place where your authority was questioned? How did that feel?
The story about the fig tree has always amazed me. It seems like it can only be conceptual and not actual. It is probably both, I just need to open my mind. I certainly wouldn’t want to have God’s condemnation on me and my bearing fruit.
Personally, I feel I am just now coming “into season.” All those years up to now have been my planting and watering years. I have been growing steadily, from a seedling to a young tree.
Having planted a bit of an orchard when we lived in Wisconsin, I know that the fruit doesn’t show up for several years after planting. Even then, there is care required to make sure the branches are pruned and ready for the fruit to arrive. As I look back on my life, I have been pruned well, felt pain often, and now I am ready to bloom.
Having moved away from our orchard before the years of plenty, I was always curious about how ‘our’ fruit turned out. We visited our old neighborhood recently. There was fruit everywhere. One of the trees had grown so big the branches were literally falling over and laying on the ground. It was sad. Clearly, that poor tree had not been pruned, and so much of the fruit laid rotting on the ground.
So let that be a lesson to us, pruning is helpful. Our struggles and pain can be just what we need to prune us and ready us for what God has planned for us.
Jesus used this example as a teachable moment for his disciples as well. The poor fig tree was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Jesus believed that his words would not be empty and that God would move. No one will ever eat of that tree’s fruit again. He spoke it, believed it, and it came to pass.
God’s hand is mighty. We need to believe in it 100%. He will act. Our part is to forgive others so that we can be set free. When we are harboring negative emotions, we are not truly cleansed and open for the work God has for us. We cannot fully trust in his provision or plan. What are you holding on to? Who do you need to forgive?
Let’s pray. Lord, forgive me for my lack of focus and the stronghold my emotions have had on me this week. You have given me such a beautiful purpose, but my humanity has gotten in the way. Help me to let go of the hurts of the past and truly forgive those who have hurt me. Help me love on those around me as they deserve. My pity party is over! Thank you that you are already pulling back the curtain and letting the light back in. These dark days are over because of what did and how much you love me. You have given me a job to do. Thank you for the opportunity to shine once again for you and make you proud of me. In Jesus’ name. Amen.