Deuteronomy 1:1-46 – A Look Back

Read Deuteronomy 1:1-46

When you watch a television show, they will often start the new episode with a look back at what has come before. It’s good to jog our memories a little bit. This is what is happening in the first couple chapters of Deuteronomy. Moses was setting the scene by recalling where their journey in the wilderness had taken them thus far. In Chapter 1, Moses points out the failures and frustrations they have encountered along the way. What stood out to you in our reading today?

We might question how an eleven-day trip took 40 years. We may also notice how Moses made a lot of references to what the Lord has said or commanded. Of course, there are lots of examples of how the people have done their own thing and not followed God. Clearly, Moses has been chosen by God to lead the people during this time in history, and there is a lot of we can glean from the mistakes made, the divine intervention provided, and the faithfulness of leadership.

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1 John 2:1-6 – Do You Know God?

Read 1 John 2:1-6

I’m so glad John wrote this to us so that we won’t sin! Unfortunately, I don’t think his words can keep us from sinning, it’s not that easy. But his words can make us aware of our sin and what we can do about it. So on the off chance you happen to sin (and you will), we can all be sure that Jesus is ready to save us.

Jesus is portrayed here as our advocate, pleading our case for us. With my legal background, of course, I picture a lawyer in court before the Judge. I have worked on many a case representing the “bad guy” who was still allowed counsel before the judge. What would the sentence be? A good lawyer would make sure the sentence was fair or non-existent in the right circumstances. Jesus pleads not-guilty for us because he, himself is the sacrifice for all sins.

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Matthew 21:33-46 – Wicked Tenants

Read Matthew 21:33-46

Today’s parable is also told in two of the other gospels: Mark 12:1-12 and Luke 20:9-19. You can read the other accounts and my reflections. Matthew’s version is the most complete, however there are other details in the other gospels that will help you understand the whole story. When we look at this story in Matthew’s context, we see that it is the second of two parables Jesus uses that day in the temple.

The religious leaders are already put out with Jesus and his non-compliance to their questions. In our reading from yesterday, Jesus has all but told them that while they claim to be believers and teachers of the law, they are acting disobediently. God can see their hearts. They are failing miserably. Now, Jesus talks of the wicked tenants to the vineyard.

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Exodus 1:1-22 – Enslaved

Read Exodus 1:1-22

Exodus continues where Genesis left off in terms of the Israelite nation narrative, approximately 400 years later. If you need a little refresher on Genesis, I have reflected on that entire book previously, and you can search on previous entries. The setting that opens Exodus is the land of Egypt. You will recall Joseph and his entire family had moved to this land when the severe famine attacked their homeland. Joseph had been there much longer and had a very prestigious position, having helped the Egyptian people in a big way. But unfortunately, it seems, his legacy did not live on in the memories of the new Pharaoh and officials.

The legacy did continue in terms of being fruitful. God promised Abraham he would be the father of a great nation. That multitude of descendants was now enslaved because of the Egyptian’s fear of losing power or control to such a mass of people.

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Hebrews 11:32-12:2 – Persevere to a Bold Faith

Read Hebrews 11:32-12:2

Without God we are weak. In our weakness, God steps in and gives us strength. Do you have faith enough to believe that? We have read a summary of the accounts of how the heroes of faith stepped out, trusted, obeyed, and received the promises of God. Have these examples empowered you to be more faithful?  Are you ready to be bolder in your faith?

You have received the fulfillment of the promise they never saw experienced. These heroes of faith had long awaited something spectacular from God. God had promised something better. The promise of a Messiah. Jesus had not yet come when they left this earth, so their true promise had not yet been revealed to them. How much more privileged are we to know how God’s promise of a Savior came about for us all.

While they waited in anticipation, these heroes of faith took a beating for their faith yet persevered. Would you stand up for Jesus and your belief he is the truth, the way, and the life if you were cornered, back against the wall, with a weapon in your face? I know that is a brutal image to imagine, but it happens around the world still today. Especially today. Yet, we don’t always hear about those events. Persecution is alive and well, sad to say. The descriptions in today’s reading are not unheard of even today. Continue reading “Hebrews 11:32-12:2 – Persevere to a Bold Faith”


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