1 Peter 1:3-7 – Wonderful Joy, Precious Faith

Read 1 Peter 1:3-7

What do you feel when you imagine living forever with God? Overwhelming joy should flood your heart. It all started with what God did for you. Just thinking of that amazing gift should be a reason for expectant elation! We have a special place in eternity waiting for us! Our inheritance is priceless. We cannot buy our way into heaven. Jesus is the one who paid the price for us.

This passage is helpful as we all have trials and struggles. We are never promised a life on earth without trials. In fact, it is how we respond to trials that sets us apart. Do we let them get us down? Do we look for the lesson? I try to stay positive and never let negative things get me down. I am not always successful, but that is my intent. I try to help others keep a positive attitude, but it isn’t always easy. Sometimes it is impossible, and I only make the situation worse. Continue reading “1 Peter 1:3-7 – Wonderful Joy, Precious Faith”

Luke 2:8-20 – Gloria!

Read Luke 2:8-20

What a night! A blessed night. If you’re like me, you read these words and pictured a certain  Christmas pageant from years gone by telling of the Christmas story. Maybe you even took part as an angel or shepherd. Sadly, the church I went to as a child didn’t do a nativity play. There wasn’t the anticipation each year of who will get to play Mary or an angel, etc.

When I was children’s ministry director, I made sure there was Christmas play each year, and that the story of Christ’s birth was central. So many programs written for kids these days are about snowflakes or presents or other more “holiday” type themes. Continue reading “Luke 2:8-20 – Gloria!”

Luke 2:1-7 – It’s Just the Beginning

Read Luke 2:1-7

Jesus is born. It’s a story we’ve heard many times. I want you to read it again and pretend this is the first time you read the story. There are many people walking around this planet who do not know Jesus, much less how he came to earth. These first few chapters of Luke are pivotal. There is so much wisdom that points to God’s perfect plan to save the world.

God became man, in the form of a little baby. He chose a young virgin betrothed to a man in the line of King David, to fulfill Scripture prophecies. He was born and placed in a manger. Aren’t mangers another word for animal feed trough?  Our God was placed in a food bin? The lowliness of his birth is astounding. Continue reading “Luke 2:1-7 – It’s Just the Beginning”

James 1:1-18 – Temptation

Read James 1:1-18

This passage is so much more than temptation, but I thought we could focus a bit on that today.

What tempts you? If you’re on a diet, maybe a juicy hamburger and fries is your hot button. If you’re trying to cut down on sweets, maybe it’s a piece of dark chocolate cake. Non-food temptations may be laziness or the opposite, over-working. Evil temptations are deeper than these examples, yet the motivations are similar.

When evil steps in to  put a desire on our heart, it is generally not a helpful thing. But evil, being evil, will make it seem enticing. We are then quick to justify and let the temptation overtake us.

This passage is clear. Temptations are not from God. He cannot be tempted, nor does he tempt. It is all in our heads! It starts with an evil desire and blossoms from there.

Can you think of examples from your life where you were enticed to do the wrong thing? Maybe it was telling a “white lie” to make a situation sound better. Maybe it was looking on your neighbor’s paper during a math quiz. Maybe it was driving over the speed limit because you were in a hurry.

Zing! That last one got me!

There is another passage that really helps put this into perspective. 1 Corinthians 10:13 says, “The temptations in your life are no different from what others experience. And God is faithful. He will not allow the temptation to be more than you can stand. When you are tempted, he will show you a way out so that you can endure.” 

God is faithful. Evil is not. Evil will deceive us and fail us. God will never fail us. He provides us a way out when we are tempted. The promise is here for us. The passage doesn’t say God will not allow any “trial” beyond what we can stand as many people often interpret. So be careful in that regard.

Today’s reading also talks of trials, but the promise is different. If we are to withstand our trials and persevere, then we will receive the crown of life. Our final reward is with our Father, forever. If that doesn’t bring us joy, I don’t know what can. So to be clear, we’re not to be joyful for the trial, but to consider it pure joy when a trial comes knowing you will grow stronger from it.

In either case, trials or temptations, it is important for us to remember that “Every good and perfect gift is from above…” God wants the best for us. He created us for his own delight, and we are his. Find your joy!

Let’s pray. Heavenly father I thank you for the life you have given me. Forgive me for when I let temptations take hold of me. I know you have given me the way out. I need to do a better job of looking for that provision. I thank you, too, for how I am growing in perseverance as we walk through the challenges and trial of life together. Knowing I am not alone is such a comfort and brings me joy. May the joy I feel overflow to others around me. Use me this day, and may I walk in your perfect will. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Philippians 2:1-11 – Attitude Check

Read Philippians 2:1-11

Watch this video (taken from Message paraphrase) here.

You’ve probably been asked, “Are you in Christ?” If not that question, you’ve likely heard references to being “in Christ”. To put it simply, this means we belong to Christ, we are his. Chapter 2 starts out with this very phrase. Paul is asking us to think of the benefits we enjoy from belonging to Christ and being in him. There are many benefits, he has listed only a few. What are some of the benefits you have experienced?

Paul goes on to say, well then, okay, then show it! Have unity, not division. That’s not to say you have to agree on everything, but love each other and care for one another.

When that is hard for us, we need to look at our brothers and sisters and remember they, too, are abundantly loved by God. With that same heart, we will despise disunity. We will all bond together for the common goal – spread the gospel!

Paul gives us warning of what will mess up our attitudes — selfishness. Think on that for just a moment. It is human nature to be looking out for our own interests, right? If we don’t, who will? But selfishness goes beyond self-sufficiency and enters into a dark, sinful place of disregard for others. We should always be thinking how our words, our actions will be interpreted by others. Don’t let yourself get in the trap of projecting your own feelings and way of thinking on others. We are not the same. Being unselfish is difficult when done right.

Other translations have this as selfish ambition. Ambition is our desire to succeed, and we need to take care that our desires are in line with God’s will for us.

Our attitude check continues with humility. Are we humble? Or are we pumped up on our own self importance and pride?  What are our motives when it comes to our actions? I love this quote from C.S. Lewis -“Humility is not thinking less of yourself but thinking of yourself less.”

Finally, are we self-centered? Is it all about “me?” When we are little, it certainly is. As we grow and develop, we begin to see ourselves in a big world, and what is comfortable is when the focus is on us, and we are getting what we want. Think of a little toddler that you know. This kind of behavior works for a child, but as an adult, not so much. Martin Luther described fallen humanity as “man curved in on himself.” Malcom Muggeridge spoke of the “tiny dark dungeon of the ego.”

We are called to look to the interests of others and how we can use our gifts to help. That’s what Jesus modeled for us. He never avoided an opportunity to serve, heal, teach.

Today’s reading concludes with Paul painting a picture of Jesus’ sacrifice for us. This reminder should help us to fall in love with Jesus all over again. It truly puts in perspective the immensity of God’s love for us. Please join with me and other saints, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue declare that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.”

Let’s pray. Lord, help me get my attitude straightened out. Help me to be more in tune with the needs of others and how I might help them. Use me and my business to reach people that need a word from you. Wash away my fears and doubts that I am not good enough to deserve your love and provision. I stand on your promises and know that all my power comes from you. Help me to rely on that today. In Jesus’ name. Amen.


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