Job 24:1-25 – Why?

Read Job 24:1-25

Have you ever asked our Heavenly Father the question, “Why?” I think we all have a time or two. Many things happen in our world and close to home that leave us perplexed. We wonder how God could allow such things to happen. I think that’s why we have the book of Job. It reminds us it’s okay to question God, but it also points us toward staying steadfast in our faith no matter what.

Job opens this passage with two very pointed “why” questions. Why doesn’t God punish the wicked and why do the godly have to wait on God? Those are two very valid questions, especially considering Job’s continued stance of innocence. He would see himself in the “godly” category, and his patience in waiting is waning. He wants to hear from God. Continue reading “Job 24:1-25 – Why?”


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