Jesus is first in everything. We read that in today’s passage along with a list of the attributes that make Jesus supreme. That’s a great word, “supreme.” It conjures up all sorts of images for us in our society from a pizza loaded with toppings to a singer from a popular girl group “back in the day.” For our purposes, let’s take Google’s definition, “superior to all others.” That’s who Jesus is.
Are you content being in second place? There is so much focus on being the “best” or #1, especially for sports teams. As you may already know, I’m a huge Green Bay Packers fan. You’ll almost always see someone in the crowd with a big foam finger signifying the coveted “#1”. We’re driven, maybe even pushed, into striving for the top position of whatever group or association we’re part of. Why is that? Don’t we know who is truly supreme?
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