Job 29:1-25 – Memory Lane

Read Job 29:1-25

It’s good to remember that the book of Job is considered to be poetic in nature even though it contains dialogue. Here Job is taking quite a walk down memory lane describing his past successes and blessings. It’s hard for us to picture such a lavish lifestyle for Job, now so lost and abused by his friends.

If you had first met Job when he was living the life he describes here, how would you have helped him in his distress? I imagine the friends we have heard from previously dealt with that very problem. However, we haven’t been told anything particular about the basis for these friendships or been given details about the friends’ backstory. Continue reading “Job 29:1-25 – Memory Lane”

Job 9:1-35 – Who Am I?

Read Job 9:1-35

Job keenly displays his humility and his fear of God. What a response! And by fear, it’s reverence and respect, just as much as it is terror that God’s punishment will strike again.

Job is still in a dark place. This time he speaks, Job asks the question, “Who Am I?” Once he is done speaking of God’s power and strength, Job turns inward. When we imagine that God, creator of the universe, cares for us, we can find ourselves asking the same question. How inadequate we can often feel, unworthy to receive such grace and mercy. Continue reading “Job 9:1-35 – Who Am I?”

Ezekiel 18:1-32 – The Justice of God

Read Ezekiel 18:1-32

What a powerful message for God. Even though it was originally intended for the wayward Israelites God sought after, isn’t he still searching after us as well. Some of us are easier to find because we’re drawing closer to him, yet we always seem to fall short.

Here in these verses we see the kind of behavior that is pleasing to God. We also see how God rewards and disciplines when our behaviors fit or flee from God’s high standard. Some would be troubled by such expectations. Others continually seek to be better at achieving such a lifestyle. Continue reading “Ezekiel 18:1-32 – The Justice of God”


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