John 6:44 – God Moves

“For no one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws them to me, and at the last day I will raise them up.” (John 6:44)

Not only is this a great memory verse, but it is also packed with truths we don’t often reflect on. What did Jesus mean when he said it? Who was he talking to? Those are the kinds of questions that get answered when we look at the context or bigger picture. Always ask, “what can I learn from where this single verse got plucked?”

Context: In this case, there is a lot going on in Chapter 6 of John’s gospel. So many stories of Jesus, including the feeding of the 5,000 with a few fish and loaves of bread, and the memorable episode of Jesus walking on the water. By verse 44, Jesus is responding to a group of people in the crowd who were questioning his reference to himself and eternal life. How could just a “normal” person make such claims? Jesus’ statement to them is bold and very direct. We can glean truth from these words. Continue reading “John 6:44 – God Moves”


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