Ezekiel 48:1-35 – God is There

Read Ezekiel 48:1-35

Ezekiel’s vision concludes with more details about the Holy City and the surrounding lands. This city was to be called “Yahweh Shammah” which is Hebrew for “the LORD is there.”  God’s chosen people are again singled out as the twelve tribes made up of Jacob’s sons. After all that has taken place, the wars, the idol worship, the exile, God still envisions he will be with his people.

While there are many specifics set forth in this vision, this prophecy remains unfulfilled. I wonder why the land wasn’t restored as Ezekiel was shown when the returnees were freed from exile. Ezra and Nehemiah led the way and yet the details of this vision were not used in their reconstruction projects of the temple and wall of protection. Why? Continue reading “Ezekiel 48:1-35 – God is There”


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