Remember the “Love Is..” comics? I wanted to use one for the graphic today but I couldn’t find one that was available for reuse. You’ll have to google that if you don’t remember. Paul continues to lay out some directions for how we should live and what love should look like.
After all, Jesus told us to love one another. That can be a new concept for many. Sometimes it’s hard to even love ourselves. But let’s take a look at what Paul is telling us here.
“Love must be sincere.” In other words, don’t fake it. There is a tendency in our society today to devalue the word “love”. People say they love coffee, they love vacations, they love this and they love that. To say you love something or someone should be genuine and heartfelt.
The next one is pretty strong, “Hate what is evil; cling to what is good.” What comes to mind for you on this one? I think of the evil in the world – genocide, human trafficking, etc. What horror! Especially when we are supposed to cling to what is good. Things like charities, reading books that will uplift and help us be better versions of ourselves.
“Be devoted to one another in love. Honor one another above yourselves.” This is a hard one. We tend to be selfish creatures. To be able to care for other people before or more than you attend to your own needs is difficult. Think about your daily lives and what your routine looks like. Who are you serving?
“Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord.” Now there are some words we don’t use every day, zeal and fervor. I think of it as being a determined servant. Imagine what it looks like to be full of passion and piety, always looking for opportunities to serve the Lord. Again, many of us are going to fall short because when we look at what we do on a daily basis…where is our zeal or fervor?
“Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.” I love this one. I suppose because I’m not a patient person and it affirms for me yet again that I need to work on this. But faithful in prayer, I can do that. Over the years I have gotten so much better at turning to God. Even when I misplace my keys or something, I say a quick prayer. Now, this may not be what Paul is referring to, but being faithful is believing when I pray I know God is going to help me. I don’t need to wait for dinner time or bedtime, etc. to pray. Praying is talking to God, and when I’m stuck in some affliction, he’s the one who comes to mind for me. How about you?
Finally, we have “Share with the Lord’s people who are in need. Practice hospitality.” Notice he says “the Lord’s people.” Interesting. I suppose this distinguishes a little bit between “all” people since we know there are many needs in the world. But the hospitality Paul is talking about is for our fellow believers. We are to support each other. That’s what I love about small group ministry. You can get really close and intimate with a group of people. You know when they are hurting and when they are ready to celebrate. We need to be open to sharing our hearts and lives with other believers and making them feel loved and appreciated.
This little passage is overflowing with nuggets of truth and wisdom. How did it speak to you today?

Let’s pray. Lord, you have stirred in me a new excitement of servanthood. Help me to be better at meeting the needs of other believers. Give me your eyes so I can see where my help will be most needed. Use my words to comfort and uplift. Help me to focus on only good things and put the negative memories of the past to rest for good. They no longer define me. You have cleansed me and made me whole. In Jesus’ name. Amen.