Oh what joy an eraser brings! I’m always glad when I’m using a pencil when writing because I can use the eraser to remove my mistakes. If written in pen, it’s pretty permanent. In the same way, God uses an eraser and forgives our sin. Our sins are forgiven and forgotten, erased like our mistakes on paper. We can rejoice! We get a do-over!
But, if we refuse to confess our sins, think it’s not necessary to do so, and keep them hidden inside, they will only make us miserable. The psalmist warms us of this very thing. Guilt is ugly but forgiveness is freedom. And there’s more! God promises he will guide us, watch over us, advise us. That is totally comforting, isn’t it? God is our hiding place, our protector. That is reason to rejoice!
I see this psalm as a foreshadow of the one to come. The Lord has “cleared our record” and he does that through the blood of Jesus Christ. What sins are you holding on to and not confessing to God? Ask, “why am I doing that?” Think of the spiritual cleansing and showering of joy that will result by confessing and purging that sin.
Let’s pray. Father, thank you for taking my sins far from me, those that I freely confess. I know I harbor bad feelings, regret, the need for approval, lack of empathy for some, pride, envy, procrastinating spirit. Lord help me to hand those over to you as well. You are my refuge and my strength! In Jesus’ name. Amen.