This passage has some bigger chunks of wisdom. Solomon paints a little more of a picture into the wisdom he imparts. I wasn’t sure at first what to reflect on. There are recurring themes here. After some discussion with my husband, discernment has finally come. We’ll focus on verses 29-35. I am reminded of the years we spent involved with Celebrate Recovery ministry, as well as the words of David’s sermon yesterday on being shackled to our sin.
We all have addictions of some kind or habits or hang-ups that are interfering with our life in some way. Chances are good our relationship with God takes a hit when we desire things other than him. Today’s passage speaks of the abuses of alcohol. That isn’t something everyone struggles with, however it is only the outward “remedy” for a hurt much deeper inside. We all have our remedies to help us forget the pain.
For those who find solace in the bottle, the description here is fitting to be sure. What strikes me is that over-indulgence of alcohol is not a new fad. People have been held captive by this substance for years. Solomon sees the anguish, the sorrow, the bloodshot eyes, too, that can result from an unhealthy relationship with alcohol. His warning is clear, but how do we break free?
There is nothing too hard for our Lord. Jesus is the answer. I think of the little girl in my Sunday School class who would answer “Jesus” for any question the teacher asked. It was particularly comical if we were talking about an Old Testament hero. But in all fairness, even the Old Testament points to Jesus in so many ways. For our purposes today, Jesus is the answer. He can break us out of the bondage we are stuck in (alcohol or otherwise).
In Isaiah 61:1, his prophecy of Jesus says: “The Spirit of the Sovereign LORD is upon me, for the LORD has anointed me to bring good news to the poor. He has sent me to comfort the brokenhearted and to proclaim that captives will be released and prisoners will be freed.” We are captive to our sin. Jesus releases us. Jesus offers freedom.
What sin are you being overtaken by?
Listen to a powerful song, “Break Every Chain” HERE. There is power in the name of Jesus. We don’t have to stay stuck. Jesus is the perfect remedy.

Let’s pray … Lord, I thank you for the transformation you have made in my life. I was stuck in patterns of denial and self-hate for so long. You rescued me and set me free. Trusting in you gave me a new beginning. I am no longer captive to my old beliefs. I am all in for you Jesus. I want to reflect you in all I say and do. In Jesus’ name. Amen.