Philippians 2:12-18 – Pleasing God

Read Philippians 2:12-18

girl praying in a field of  yellow flowers with a look of contentment on her face

Why do you do what you do? If you’re thinking of your occupation, there has to be a “back story.” Why did you choose that career? If you’re thinking about the choices you make in your free time, chances are good you have a reason for those, too.

Then there are the parts of our lives that seem to be on autopilot. For instance, I don’t remember a lot about brushing my teeth this morning, but I know I did.

Paul would suggest that our motivation to do things should be focused more on pleasing God. “Work hard to show the results of your salvation, obeying God with deep reverence and fear.” When we think about our salvation, when we live a life of gratitude for what Jesus did for us, we can’t help but want to obey God. What sorts of things do you do to please God?

What did you think when you read this line? “For God is working in you, giving you the desire and the power to do what pleases him.” It’s one I also found highlighted in my Bible, so it spoke to me before! The more I spend time with God, praying and reading his word, the more I feel this desire. It seems like the fire is burning even brighter within me to do things to please God. But I didn’t always feel this “lit up!” It seems the more I get to know God and appreciate all he has done for me, the more I want to serve others and bless him!

What does Paul tell us if we’re not sure how to please God? We shouldn’t complain or argue but live clean lives that set us apart from others. In my mind, the most important suggestion Paul made was to “hold firmly to the word of life.” Was Paul referring to the Bible? I think so. It’s a good resource to cling to, wouldn’t you agree?

How are you shining your light for God these days? Are you pleasing God with your 100%, or are you holding back in fear of the reactions of those around you? I know it’s a crazy world out there, but I also know that it’s a broken world in need of a Savior. God loves his world. He sent Jesus to redeem it, yet many people are still rejecting Jesus. Are you clear where you stand with Jesus?

Spend some time in prayer today asking God how you can please him. What mission will he put on your heart to help shine the way for others to find him?

praying hands looking up

Let’s pray … Lord, I am humbled by what you have endured for me. I have no words to express my deep gratitude. You love me so much. Thank you for planting the desire inside me to act in ways that honor you. Forgive me for those times when I fall short or could have done better. I know you love me just the same. I want to shine for you. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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