Psalm 1

psalm1Read Psalm 1

What I see happening in this psalm is a compare and contrast between the godly life and that of the wicked.   Being given the choice to be a follower of Jesus or not is a gift, and, in and of itself, the freedom to choose one’s way can also be frightening.  I long to feel a deeper closeness to my creator, my loving heavenly Father, and this psalm is an encouragement and reminder of the goodness and rewards we celebrate as followers.  Oh what joy to have God watching over us!  Take a moment to just let that truth – that God is watching over you — truly sink in.  If you’re like me, the joy inside can’t help but start to gurgle!

So what do we do in response to these great promises.  For me, I need to focus more on the will of God for my life and less on my own strength.  I tend to feel pretty mighty at times.  Personally, I am at a turning point in my life, and I am waiting patiently for God’s direction.  I do yearn to help those close to me draw closer to God, and I pray he will use me in some miraculous way.

Let’sprayer pray.  Father God, help each of us take a moment today to just delight in you and how you are directing our paths.  We confess that we are sinful, and we lay our faults, our guilt, our pain, our sadness, and our doubts at your feet.  Thank you for redeeming us.  In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Welcome to my REFLECTIONS blog

I’m so glad you stopped by.  I hope you find thminibluecross_blankdarkese reflections helpful in your quiet time with God.  I would welcome your comments and insights so we can have conversation about how God’s Word is speaking to each of us.

A couple years ago when working with a wellness coach, she asked me what areas of my life I needed help with.  We work on my eating habits, as it was clear to me I was not eating enough fruits and vegetables.  My spiritual life was even more pathetic, and my coach asked me what I could do to improve that.  The answer that came to me was to read through the book of Psalms and journal my thoughts and reflections.  I began this on a sporadic basis at first, but then it began to take shape in my life, and I began to do the same with other books of the Bible.  Now I am feeling like God wants me to share this with you.  So, get ready, find a comfortable place, and enjoy!  Let God speak to you today!


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