I wonder what emotions Jesus was feeling inside. He knew what was brewing around him, he has tried to warn his disciples, and yet it’s business as usual. The most amazing miracle of all time is about to take place. It’s easy to think that Jesus was cool as a cucumber, but he was human, too. There had to be nerves. There had to be fear.
And then there was the woman. The woman Jesus proclaimed as a history maker. What extravagant love and devotion. Much like the widow and the two coins from several readings ago, the woman in today’s reading was devoted and focused. Again Jesus drops a truth bomb using this woman’s actions – she was anointing him for burial. What did his friends think?
How do we respond to this? Do we let our financial situation keep us from being devoted? Do we let the entries on our calendars fill up our lives so that we crowd out our quiet time? I don’t want to be the one to put you on a guilt trip here. I do want to showcase the devotion of this woman. It appears she doesn’t care about the financial loss. It appears she doesn’t care how she is being disciplined. Bold. We need to be bold.
What does having a bold faith look like for you? What does loving Jesus extravagantly look like in your life? Focus on these two questions for as long as you are able.
Let’s pray. May my devotion be so intense that people are inspired to follow my actions. I want to close out all distractions so that I can focus on you more completely. Thank you for the desire you have burning in my heart to be connected to you. Use me and my words to help ignite this fire in others. May my life and example make a difference. Thank you for each new experience and challenge. May I make the best of each opportunity and grow my deeply connected to you. Use me, Lord. In Jesus’ name. Amen.