Read Mark 14:1-9
What’s the most valuable thing you own? Would you be willing to give it away to honor Jesus? The woman in our reading did just that. It was a surprising act to everyone, except Jesus. He was blessed and explained to the onlookers the beauty of what she had done. Truth be told, we are still talking about this woman and her extravagant faith all these years later.
What do you think about Jesus’ rebuke? We’re not told here who was sitting at the table, but Jesus said, “You will always have the poor among you, and you can help them whenever you want to. But you will not always have me.” What a wake-up call to help them realize their focus had been all wrong. Rather than fuss about earthly things, Jesus wanted them to focus on him in that moment. How much better it is for us, too, when we focus on Jesus rather than the world.
Assuming the dinner guests included Jesus’ disciples, we know they were having a hard time grasping the fact Jesus would soon be taken from them. What do you think was going through their minds when Jesus said this act was in a way preparing him for burial? There weren’t funeral homes back then to prepare dead bodies for the process of decomposing. Herbs, oils, and heavily scented items, like perfume, were often used.
Whether we understand or not, Jesus called out this woman as having done something very special for him. It’s a good reminder to us in the midst of Holy Week (as I write this post). Jesus is waiting for our attention, our devotion, t00. In what ways are you making this holiest of all weeks special and set apart? Are you spending extra time with Jesus?
I’ve been walking through these chapters in the gospel of Mark with the little girls at the orphanage. Later this week, with the orphan youth group we’ll be doing some other experiential things (foot washing and communion) to help the girls connect with Jesus. You can’t hear the story of Jesus’ last week often enough to help put into perspective what Jesus did for us. There are also some great resources online at You know what works best for you.
My prayer for you is that you don’t rush through this week like it’s any ordinary week. Slow down and take time to show Jesus your appreciation. Listen for his voice as there may be a message Jesus is trying to share with you. Close out the noise of the world a little longer each day to linger and just listen.

Let’s pray. LORD, I want my faith and devotion to be as extravagant as the perfume woman. Forgive me for my lack of enthusiasm at times. You know my heart’s desire is to serve you and reflect you in all I say and do. You are an amazing king, and your kingdom has no end. Your offer of eternal life with you is so filled with grace. Thank you for the gift and all that you endured to make it possible. Renew my heart and mind to draw closer to you. In Jesus’ name. Amen.