Malachi 3:6-15 – Test God

block letters with shadow saying TESTING along with magnifying glass

Read Malachi 3:6-15

God welcomes us to test him. He means business in this call to repentance! In this prophecy, God reveals his character as a good father. He says, “I do not change.” Why does that make God good? Because when something doesn’t change, it’s reliable. We can always count on God. He always loves us. That’s very good!

Unfortunately, the people have taken advantage of God and cheated him. They have robbed God of the wholehearted devotion he deserves. Their response to God (in those days it was sacrifices) was less than desirable. Not only did they try and sacrifice damaged goods, but the potential of what they could share with God was reduced because of their greed while seeking the wrong thing.

It’s easy to read this passage and think, “this doesn’t apply to me because we don’t do sacrifices anymore.” Think of a sacrifice as what you give back to God in thanksgiving. After all, everything belongs to God. When we die, we don’t get a moving van to take our stuff with us. Think of your sacrifice as your offering and tithes. This passage will make a lot more sense when you take that angle.

Do you hold on tightly to your money? In this economy, it’s hard not to. The bills to pay are mounting, and everything seems to be costing so much more. We’re getting a double whammy here in Mexico with the sharp decline in the peso/USD exchange rate. But my tithes and offerings are always a priority.

Some people may wonder how I can do that. I used to be a skeptic, too. I watched so many rich people seem to have it all. I chased after things to fulfill me, and my gifts back to God were often an afterthought. Sometimes there was nothing left over for God at all. Ouch! It pains me to remember those days. I was like those Israelites cheating God!

It all changed for me when I read this verse and heard my husband preach on this text during a stewardship drive one Fall. It made so much sense that God deserved our offerings in thanksgiving for all his blessings. The fact that God said we could “test” him showed me how serious God was.

It’s almost like he dares us to give generously so he can bless us in return. There is always enough, even in the leanest times. When you give to God first, he responds. Let this promise settle over you. “I will pour out a blessing so great you won’t have enough room to take it in!” God said that! I’ve experienced that blessing. Have you?

colorful animation of prayer hands and hearts and flowers

Let’s pray. LORD, you are so good, and your mercy endures forever. Thank you for your patience with me over the years as I have often struggled with my giving attitude. I am overjoyed that that has all changed. I love to give back to you what you have so graciously shared with me. Your blessings continue to overflow in ways other than those “rich people items” I used to dream about. Thank you for the peace and joy that lights up each day when I live my life to please you. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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