Jesus is giving us yet another way to think of him. As we build our relationship with Jesus on our faith journey, think of him as the vine. Have you ever pruned a bush or vine? You’ve then seen how the branches cut from the living tree soon wither and dry up. The life of the bush has been cut off from them and they are no longer alive. The cut branches become trash with no more life inside.
As you picture that, you can see why it is so important for us to stay connected to Jesus. We don’t want to wither away and die without him. We don’t want to be those branches that are cut off intentionally by the gardener (God) for not producing fruit. Take a moment to think about the fruit you are producing. That is, how are you helping promote God’s kingdom?
When we listen to Jesus’ words and the messages of the Bible, we are being pruned and readied for service. When we serve, we are bearing fruit and communicating with the world about our allegiance. Others will see and recognize us as belonging to God. Jesus tells us how important it is. “Remain in me, and I will remain in you. For a branch cannot produce fruit if it is severed from the vine, and you cannot be fruitful unless you remain in me.”
Think again about the severed branches from your bush. They can do nothing. Jesus said, “For apart from me you can do nothing.” I know I need Jesus in my life. I know when I don’t spend time in his word or in prayer, my day is just “off.” We all need that connection to keep us strong, to keep our faith growing, and to be able to serve with authenticity.
Why should we want to live like this? Why do we want to be connected to our creator and savior? Why not just go out on our own and see what happens? Well, I have done that. It doesn’t work. Now, I long to please God with my actions and words. If nothing else, listen to what Jesus says in verse 8, “When you produce much fruit, you are my true disciples. This brings great glory to my Father.”
I want to bring glory to God. I want everything I do to be honoring to him. I want people to see the difference in me. People wonder why I’m always smiling. It’s the joy inside screaming to get out. Joy that I am loved by a king. Joy that my future is secure. Joy that I have an inheritance available to all. What do you do with all your joy?
Let’s pray. Lord, thank you for the joy that is overflowing in my heart. Thank you for all that you have done for me and continue to do for me on a daily basis. May my life be a living sacrifice to you. May all I say and do be pleasing to you. I never want to be apart from you again. Thank you for not giving up on me. In Jesus’ name. Amen.